That is lucky. I have to chip away the stalactites everytime I use my tap just so I can get the water out.
Our water is like that too. White mist over the entire sink area after 2 days, shower is just a mess after 1 year of installation. I'm convinced it's even worse than our neighbours - I've always lived in South London and never had limescale this bad!I remember taking my Anova Sous Vide to my sister at Bournemouth, after 1 use it was covered in white was such a pain to descale that.
I use it at home and it has been shiny for a couple of years of use.
Just having a poke around used Gaggia Classics... Is 2015 the year to aim before? Or is there value in going older? I've seen some people suggesting mid-2000s is ideal.
Our water is like that too. White mist over the entire sink area after 2 days, shower is just a mess after 1 year of installation. I'm convinced it's even worse than our neighbours - I've always lived in South London and never had limescale this bad!
BWT filter here. Have had my eye on a RO system for a while but can never quite bring myself to actually buy it, one can be had for £300ish.
(good romanian site on gaggia versions which confirmed older one you got better
- always good to see the engineering )
yes I need to get some , it would give a high water mark.I'm using Ashbeck from Tesco
yes I need to get some , it would give a high water mark.
scanning a couple of threads I hadn't realised my Britta may not filter sufficiently, at 330mg/L, it may just deliver 180,
also an RO may make it below the 40-70 target, so you have to mix it ... now wondering how much the bars really monitor theirs. @mattyg ? - hopefully reopen soon.
My local coffee shop who sell Square Mile at £11/350g aren't answering their messages.I tried the MC2 at the coarse settings yesterday, as coarse as it goes for V60, it's not cutting it. Still too fine I think. Plus it takes an age to twist it from one end to the other.
p.s. I do need some new beans, still trying to bring myself to spend £10.50 on 350g from Square Mile...which is absurd, if i can spend £500 no a grinder but I have a problem spending £10 on a bag of coffee!