Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

1 Jul 2008
Morning All,

Am I the only one that has been struggling with the dialling in? I've learnt some lessons of course, firstly pick up a better scale. I've given up with the ratio for now - my scale seems to go a little crazy so it's on the default double pour.

For those that mentioned it, the fresher beans does mean I can get more into a portafilter - 18g of signature blend. That said, I've struggled getting the grind settings right (not sure why), so much waste - pouring too fast, then too slow choking it, then not slow enough...grrr. Worse thing is, I will need to repeat the whole thing again when I come to open the next bag to sample!

On a plus note, Signature Blend is nice - tasty in this latte I currently have and very smooth. Much better then the Lavazza Rosso beans I had (which as a double were a little bitter). :)
1 Mar 2010
Am I the only one that has been struggling with the dialling in?
another issue maye what type of basket does you BE have (picture?) ?
some have pressurized, some have regular, see earlier discussion- web must have pictures of the two variants.
So it would be best to make sure it had the pressurised baskets? Or get somewhere else. Are there any grinders you recommend. Is there a taste difference between buying ground and freshly grinding yourself?
I can believe pressurized maybe less tolerant of new beans, which need a tighter grind,
and higher pressure causes channelling on imperfectly packed pucks, which we all make, faster.

edit see pics here
You get 4 filter baskets when with the Barista Express – pressurized and non-pressurized versions of a single and double filter. You could also call them single or double walled baskets.
1 Jul 2008
another issue maye what type of basket does you BE have (picture?) ?
some have pressurized, some have regular, see earlier discussion- web must have pictures of the two variants.

I can believe pressurized maybe less tolerant of new beans, which need a tighter grind,
and higher pressure causes channelling on imperfectly packed pucks, which we all make, faster.

edit see pics here
You get 4 filter baskets when with the Barista Express – pressurized and non-pressurized versions of a single and double filter. You could also call them single or double walled baskets.

I'm using the Single Wall double - is that an issue?
23 Jan 2003
Is pressure/flow profiling worth it.
Ive been looking to upgrade my machine for a few months now (currently a trip out Silvia)
started off looking at MaraX, but after a hard look, i though it wasn't that big a upgrade for the money i'll spend.
so my now Base machine i want is the Lelit Elizabeth, and while it is a good upgrade to what i have. it will still only let me make a standard(ish) Espresso
(tho should let be get good shots more often)

Is it worth upgrading to a Bianca for the manual pressure Profiling to get that extra wee bit out of my coffee

Ive also been watching a lot of videos on the decent De1 which really appeal to my computer/food Nerdship :)
however the fact the don't have any UK/Eu dealership. i don't fancy shipping it back to the USA if it goes faulty, so is there a UK/EU machince that do the same type thing (have been looking at the crem one llfp)
1 Mar 2010
I'm using the Single Wall double - is that an issue?
that would be my choice ... so your machine was delivered with both types ?
maybe check tamping, also,
don't overfill pf, to my mind that can promote inconsistency, the gap, irons out any pressure non-uniformity across screen, and gives a uniform soaking at start.
Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
I'm using the Single Wall double - is that an issue?

Don't use the pressurised basket - its designed to make really bad coffee look better by creating a false crema and just disguises whats going on. Its a little harder to get better looking coffee with the single walled basket, but once you nail it you'll get better tasting and looking coffee :)

Is pressure/flow profiling worth it.
Ive been looking to upgrade my machine for a few months now (currently a trip out Silvia)
started off looking at MaraX, but after a hard look, i though it wasn't that big a upgrade for the money i'll spend.
so my now Base machine i want is the Lelit Elizabeth, and while it is a good upgrade to what i have. it will still only let me make a standard(ish) Espresso
(tho should let be get good shots more often)

Is it worth upgrading to a Bianca for the manual pressure Profiling to get that extra wee bit out of my coffee

Ive also been watching a lot of videos on the decent De1 which really appeal to my computer/food Nerdship :)
however the fact the don't have any UK/Eu dealership. i don't fancy shipping it back to the USA if it goes faulty, so is there a UK/EU machine that do the same type thing (have been looking at the crem one llfp)

One of the things I liked on the marax is you can add flow control later, apparently it can really help on lighter roasts especially & is always nice to have another variable to play with :)

I'd love a DE1 but there twice the price of the Bianca so still can't justify it!
23 Jan 2003
Don't use the pressurised basket - its designed to make really bad coffee look better by creating a false crema and just disguises whats going on. Its a little harder to get better looking coffee with the single walled basket, but once you nail it you'll get better tasting and looking coffee :)

One of the things I liked on the marax is you can add flow control later, apparently it can really help on lighter roasts especially & is always nice to have another variable to play with :)

I'd love a DE1 but there twice the price of the Bianca so still can't justify it!

in theory you can add the flow control to any standard E61 group head. but have read that it may not work as well on H/E type machine and for best results you want a DB

i'm surprised how much the DE1 has gone up in price over the last few years. but it the shipping costs that put me off at just over £200 a time you looking at a £400 pound bill before anything even get fixed if it does go wrong, it no wonder they encourage fix it your self

but back to my point all thing be equal does pressure/flow profiling raise the quality of a shot enough to justify spending (roughtly)£1K more
1 Mar 2010
back to my point

you've probably seen the comment that pressure profiling is more useful if you have a rotary pump, if you you have a vibratory pump, this naturally gives some pre-infusion,
and, even, that, the pre-chamber on the e61, was designed like that, to offset/damp the immediate power from the rotary pump. ie incestious.

Bezzera have profiling only on their non-e61 heads (, like Marzocco, too ?) ,that chamber gives some inaccuracy, and the pressure/flow control sensors/actuators, are more accurate alone.
23 Jan 2003
Probably difficult to get that amount of value out of it. Thinking about it a different way i'd imagine putting £1k into a new grinder would give a better improvement :)

i have a good grinder atm and have a Niche on order as it seem the best for the money if you want to get into single dose grinding (which i do)
18 Jan 2004
Sunny Scotland
Never had an issue with my Sage Barista Touch for the last year and half except the milk frother always claiming its blocked when its not. Anyone else find that when you get a great tasting bean you tend to stick with it for ages. Been getting my local coffee roasters J.A.Braithwaite in Dundee's blue mountain blend and find it superb with awesome chocolate notes and very smooth.
1 Mar 2010
Boiler insulation has anyone who pid'd their silvia/other also insulated the boiler ?
I was looking at getting a sheet of melamine/silicon/armaflex foam and some cable ties, which looks like it would run £15.
from various threads if it is insulated, the temperature stability will improve with less call on the heating element, and, the control loop temperature over/under shooting.
19 Dec 2010
Stumbled upon a Delonghi Autentica Plus on Amazon today for £199, £100 cheaper than it's ever been, and it usually retails at £350-400 by the looks of it. :eek:

So I snapped it up of course, excited to get back to having decent morning coffee! Now I just need to look at getting some beans...
1 Jul 2008
Hi All,

After a few learning points from what I mentioned earlier regarding Dialling in, I've now moved onto a new bag from my Rave samples - the Colombia El Carmen. I've managed to get a roughly (18g) 1:2.5 ration (just my preference) in about 23 seconds. My grinder on the Barrista express is set all the way down at setting 2.

That said, if I was to go for a lower ratio or try and target that magical 25 seconds I would need to be using the minimum setting at 1. This seems to be quite common for me so far, I haven't found a bean (even the medium roast signature blend) which is above the mid settings. Is that normal? All the the tutorials I have seen talk about much higher settings.

I must add, the coffee tastes nice as it is. I've gone and brought a distributor to make sure of an even tamp - I wouldn't even get more then 18g in the double portafilter with these beans. I'm yet to try the single porta filter, I assume it isn't as easy as halving the dose?

Any experience or views welcome - maybe I'm just over thinking this now :)
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