The books are currently next in line on my night table for a re-read, once I finish the last Wheel Of Time.It’s actually insane what the show runners are doing to the Juliet plot line when the book absolutely nails it and had me hooked. This is tragic and so boring compared to to the book
I’m sure this is a great show is you could see WTF is happening.
Juliette also should have died at least 3 times in the opening 35 minutes of S2, ep. 1.
This was watching on an LG OLED, although I did realise that my TV is periodically switching on the auto brightness limiter (I think) making it even darker, so I had to wiggle the remote every now and then.On my 4K HDR setup you can make it out much better though it still needs to have been filmed with better cameras, without HDR especially if streaming on a browser a lot of the dark scenes are quite bad due to the noise and compression. The show really suffers without good quality HD or better.