Silo - By Hugh Howey - May 5th

I've not read the books and no idea where they are taking it with the TV show but the whole storyline to this point is pointless if the world outside is as the ending - you'd just have to allow people out now and again if necessary to maintain order without all the theatrics...
I expected the suit to contain a poison that was released after the cleaning, and for her to take the helmet off straight away to survive it. Now it opens the question of how long does she have? My expectation is the air is still breathable out there and she is to visit the other silo cameras. The impact of broadcasting the video hasn't been shown either. I'm tempted to get the books.
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So I'm baffled why the video would show the world as nice which is clearly fake because of the birds repeating. The tape obviously created a better seal so she didn't die and now the world is a apocalypic wasteland. So why bother with the fake video at all since the air can't be breathable if the others died from crap seal tape. What was the point of the video showing it being nice?
I'm guessing the big metal door at the bottom of the silo connects to one of the other silos or a tunnel system that joins them all up.
The air not being breathable makes less sense than if they just sabotaged the suits so they die of carbon monoxide poisoning
Why would the mum or whatever even know the others died because of crap seal tape?
I'm guessing the big metal door at the bottom of the silo connects to one of the other silos or a tunnel system that joins them all up.
The air not being breathable makes less sense than if they just sabotaged the suits so they die of carbon monoxide poisoning
Why would the mum or whatever even know the others died because of crap seal tape?
I think because she created a better stronger tape and they kept refusing to use it, thus she put two and two together and said maybe they didn't want it because it was so good. She guessed they wanted them to die.

What I assume is she tripped over the dead body of the previous cop, and put his badge on him.. But then the Mayor says, she knows and opens a cupboard with a red key, and her visor changes. So I wonder if the apocalypse view is even real either.
So does she knock on the silo next door and say, “Herro, can I come in?”.

As others said, not sure what the point of the “nice” video of outside is? Maybe to trick people into wanting to go out? But then those in charge can do what they want anyway so if they want people dead they can just do it directly.
I suspect that the fake hologram is shown to the people who choose to go out and clean, it gives them a sense of peace perhaps, but it doesn't explain why those others before her would actually clean the lens and then go over to the tree, so far she's the most level headed one who has put all the pennies together so naturally she wouldn't panic, whereas I fully expected the others to panic when they see the faked world.

The other side of it is, is this wasteland also a hologram? So we know that the screens in the silo show what is assumed to be the real world out there, whereas in the real world the projection of a hologram is shown to those that go outside, this makes no sense, which leads me to think all instances are holograms and these fields of silos are some type of future experiment where each silo is somehow feeding into a greater machine outside of the silo.
I suspect that the fake hologram is shown to the people who choose to go out and clean, it gives them a sense of peace perhaps, but it doesn't explain why those others before her would actually clean the lens

The first Sheriff said he wanted everyone to see what he was seeing.
Read the books, they are way better than the show :p
What if they are poisoned at the airlock before climbing the stairs. The air outside is probably fine but the terrible IT tape doesn’t seal them in the suits properly on purpose to poison them.
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What if they are poisoned at the airlock before climbing the stairs. The air outside is probably fine but the terrible IT tape doesn’t seal them in the suits properly on purpose to poison them.
Thats what it seems to be, hence the fuss over the higher quality tape. I am just rewatching the scene after she places the badge on Holsten's body, which she can't see. She stands up and glances at her hand, specifically the tape wrapping and says "They're good in supply" referring to the tape quality.
Well my theory was wrong, expected a twist for the ending but didn't even think it would be like that (Thought they'd be more silos out there but not bang next to each other, makes me wonder if the steel door at the bottom of the silo connects them all together)

I suspect that when they get blasted 'clean' before they go out it's actually poison that with the IT tape takes around 3 minutes to kick in which is why previous people who went out all seem to die at the same point, where as Jules had the 'good' tape and it didn't get in her suit / system.

Roll on S2 which is 2024.
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