Sim racers - what are you running?

As I already stated - cheap pedals are definitely slower. If the pots don't stay consistent you may not get 100% throttle from one lap to the next. And actually Logitech pedals have been the worst for this. After the initial craptastic pots of the DFP era they put a filter in the driver (which is still there as far as I'm aware, for all Logitech pedals) which dynamically recalibrates the pedal if the pots move and calibration gets lost. Sounds like a good fix, except that the sudden calibration initially reports full 100% at the slightest touch until full range has been pushed through. Guess what that does to your car and braking at the end of a long straight at 180 mph.

That's why the Bodnar box was introduced. As well as increasing the bit resolution, it fixes the calibration. I use modded G25 pedals / Bodnar currently. But at one point had a high end set with full load cell (Revzalot P36) That brake was glorious, and immediately made me faster. Corner entries mostly, being the biggest improvement, coming off the brake / trail braking. But a tenth per corner adds up. I ended up passing them on as the throttle throw wasn't long enough for me. When I can afford it I will certainly go load cell again.
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the only reason i bleated on is because people are stating higher end wheels are better with no evidence.yet i set world records so do my friends most are sponsered so can have any wheels they want for free but most run logitech wheels.why do you think that is ?

Higher end wheels are better, but nobody is stating they make you faster (although an argument could be made in the case of DD).
Why are we always going around in circles and why are you unable to answer direct questions?

I'd say that most are still on Logitech because that's what they started with and have put in thousands upon thousands of hours of repetition over a number of years. Given that they usually run with little to no FFB, don't care about realism and are totally tuned in to their setup, what would be the point of changing if you had retrain yourself to use different equipment?

people can argue against it but with no experience. i have the experience . telling you what works what doesnt.

You assume too much regarding other people's level of experience. Plenty of us are fast, consistent drivers who have tried multiple wheels and have been doing this for many years.
You don't need to be putting in world records to have a valid opinion on this subject.

You're very much invited to join in on the AC time trial when we get it going again if you fancy showing us noobs how it's done. I'm guessing you didn't join in on the last one because you didn't want to embarrass us :p

Also, what exactly have you tried and for how long? Include rim type/size/model if you can.
Your posts with the Fanatec setup showed a gap of three days between you setting up and deciding to send it back.

we are testing the wheels you talking about and giving feedback on how they can be better.

Better for who and what are you testing?
Ha ha yep, I'm out.

Each to their own

Anyway has anyone got any experience with the brake on the fanatec elite pedals without the load cell? As adding one later would save a good bit on cost outlay.

Can't find any reviews for it without load cell.

It ain't gonna be great, but you'll get by until you upgrade to a loadcell, which is definitely one of the biggest upgrades that can and does help you to be faster and more consistent.
What is that stoopidchallenges? Obvs its some kind of hotlap comp, but that site offers no info or instruction at all, that I can see.
Register and login then you can read the help files. But basically you down load a program that monitors your pc2 laps then sends data to the website.
As Dan said if you register on the website (totally free) then you download an app for PC or IOS which runs on your network while you hotlap. It picks up the udp feed from the game and sends it to the website. All the telemetry you need, to show you where you are losing time to others, even a track map with racing line you can overlay. It allows PC/XB1/PS4 players to compete together without the usual crap of submitting screenshots and someone filling in a spreadsheet to record results. It’s a good laugh and there are some pretty quick guys. We’re up to just under 30 competitors.

Also whatever your level you can compete as the real time comp is split into leagues, and there is a handicap championship as well (% decrease on your real time).

Championships run over 6 weeks, 6 races run weekly from Midnight Wednesday, we use a spreadsheet randomiser to pick car/track combos. Those we’ve used are excluded as we are trying to use all the cars and tracks in the game.

It’s a good laugh as well, not too serious.
petey when the new AC is out will probably join in then. not really playing old ac or played it for a while.waiting for all the new car games.
petey when the new AC is out will probably join in then. not really playing old ac or played it for a while.waiting for all the new car games.

I know about AC Competizione (which looks like it'll be good even if the content will be limited by the Blancpain licencing), are there any more on the horizon that you know of?
My osw tried to kill me last night, I reinstalled iracing set up the wheel but the ffb was too strong so turned it down to 5% went back on track and the wheel decided to spin hitting my knuckle as it went, had to hit the emergency stop. Not sure why it did it or why the bump stop didnt kick in.
petey when the new AC is out will probably join in then. not really playing old ac or played it for a while.waiting for all the new car games.
Unless or until someone figures out how to mod or add existing cars to ACC, I probably won't be doing a TT comp with it, since it's limited to one car class and a relatively small selection of tracks.

Nothing stopping anyone else from running a TT, though.

Could do a few races if we can get a half decent amount of drivers...
Don’t think so. There don’t seem to be many sim racers around OCUK, those that are here have different preferences of game as well. You need at least 10 people to get regular attendance to scheduled events in my experience.
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