What you're failing to grasp time and time again is that what they're doing is great for the developers or publishers but absolute crap for the gamer, the end user, the consumer.
It means that yes, people will buy anything so lets keep doing it, let's keep cutting content and charging exorbitant prices for what was once part of the game and never, ever would gamers of a decade ago of bought this.
If anyone is too blind to see it, these "extras", "dlc" "cash shops" and "microtransactions" have slowing been evolving, from simple nothings to gameplay changing, developers aren't stupid, they know that consumers at large will eat anything up, because like a lot of people, they care too much about their image waaaay too much in real life and in games now. Unfortunately that's more people than not, it actually makes me annoyed to know how self absorbed and narcissistic people can be.
You're trying to tell us we don't have to buy it, we know that, you don't understand that the fact it's their at all, almost double the price for absolutely not the same content or work load.
It's wrong, it's feeding the fat cats and ruining games. Luckily there are still developers out there who care about good games, which means they still get a load of money, not as much of course but then that's all up to individual ideals of "I WANT MORE MONEY" or not.
It's simply lubing us up for the future pains, easing us into accepting this, I can't imagine a decade from now what it'll be like :|
Im not failing to grasp it, im just perfectly aware that all these people who complain about a stupidly overpriced version with meaningless content in it need to blame the people who believe their lives wouldnt be complete without this overpriced content in it.
EA know their market, they know they can do tons of stuff people wont like, but it wont detract a significant enough proportion of people to the point that they'll change their stance. The fact that theres so many people complaining that the version they want is £65, ignoring a version 99% identical for 2/3 the price, tells you people are crazy when it comes to wanting the best versions, and EA know it'll sell plenty.
It goes against common sense for people to buy a £65 version over a £45 version simply for a smidgen of extra content, but EA know people wont use their common sense, they know if they released a £100 version with the same treatment then people WILL buy it.
If consumers cant even be trusted to use common sense when making their own purchase, then why on earth should the blame be put onto the ones selling it??
Its not like £65 is the entry level, so they have to pay that to play it, but common sense goes out the window, desire kicks in, and out comes the credit card.
As for cutting content, i doubt you could consider EU style buildings as content relevant to the core game. If they'd put a new specialisation in as DLC then fair enough to a degree, but content whether its vanilla or dlc requires paying for, and if it goes into the core game then its possible something else has to come out. When they make it DLC its because they're selling it and consumers pay for that work. Im not a huge fan of DLC, theres not that much DLC ive bought in all the years its been going on, Borderlands 1&2, the BF2 dlc's, the odd map pack in games when they've been on sale etc. Theres almost certainly 2-3x more instances of DLC im dead against than think is justifiable. So im no fan of DLC, but when so many people justify its existence then these companies will continue to dish it out, and push to see how far they can go with it. £130 for a COD title with a cheap RC car, and they sell... i just think its wrong to blame the manufacturers when the consumers could put a stop to it by not buying it and the likes of EA would see its a waste of time, but people buy it, so companies milk it. If anything is to blame for the £65 Deluxe version, its the consumers who do exactly what EA & co expect they'll do, every time, without fail. How can you blame someone for creating something that there is clearly a market for??
These companies dont need pro-consumer justification for what they're creating, as long as people go out and buy it then they have the justification. If the consumer decides they want it, thats their choice, if they dont want it then developers would quickly get the message and realise it isnt profitable to create content nobody wants. You seem to be unhappy that there is a market for it all, and people blindly go out an buy this rubbish which only encourages it. I dont disagree with that, but i dont put the fault on the opportunist developers, they make what allows them to continue developing, and making extremely profitable games at the direction of publishers like EA allows them to continue doing what they love.
We, as consumers, have to take a significant proportion of the blame for what goes on in the gaming world, whether its DRM measures because we pirate games, or pathetic and overpriced DLC because we believe we NEED it to make us happy, its always consumer targeted. Unfortunately, more often than not we play straight into their hands by buying into their spin, we decide we must have the super limited edition with a gold town hall for £85.
EA, just like millions of companies out there, take advantage of our gullibility and insistence of having stuff we really dont need. For some reason, far too often we help justify their actions, and as much as i dislike the stupidity of asking for £65 for the Deluxe version, it clearly doesnt put enough people off to make them think twice in the future.