SimCity V (2013) - screens/artwork and information

Please let it be like Sim City 2000

They should get Chris Sawyer on board (who did Transport Tycoon) and Bullfrog (if they even still exist)

What a game they could make then!

re the map size, it should be adjustable or based on your hardware. If you have the goods, let the game deliver. If not then have a smaller map size that is playable

Same as resolution. I used to always be limited to 640x480 back in the day whilst my 'rich' friend enjoyed 1024x768

Why is there no reason to get the maps as big as Minecraft type maps? If you could have huge maps then just turn down detail as you zoomed out
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Seeing the playthoughs on Youtube just has the alarm bells ringing on this one. Shame, it 'looks' nice, but screams rapid disappointment upon purchase.
Please let it be like Sim City 2000

They should get Chris Sawyer on board (who did Transport Tycoon) and Bullfrog (if they even still exist)

What a game they could make then!

Bullfrog! EA "dealt" with them a long time ago.

Far too creative. :p
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More that they will add bigger maps in at a later date (Via a patch I guess) once they have being able to optimise bigger maps with today's hardware.

erm... you realise they are only using one cpu core for the actual game engine right? dont expect bigger maps with that poop engine
Quote from the Devs was :
The main sim + game loop is on a single thread, so extra cores don't help. We do make use of extra CPU for audio/rendering

So it is multithreaded, just not the main simulation process.
Before I begin I will say that I have pre-ordered this game as I have been and always will be a simcity nut job BUT:

- Single Core use
- Small maps
- always on internets

The first two are pretty major concerns, yet with "promises" that they will/should/might/maybe be upgraded - meh. Like buying a car and the maker saying yeah we might put power steering on it one day... I understand that they may build it with single core use in mind to reach the demographic, but fgs build it to scale if the option is available from the hardware.

The last is also cited as being due to "technical issues" and this just screams like male cow turd to me. Its DRM. Tell us its DRM and some of us may accept it - but don't do a Colonail marines and deliberately mislead us. My bet is you'll find it on some pirated website sooner rather than later, and then we'll see if "some of the processing is offloaded to the ea servers" or not...

Bloody typical with the majority of AAA game releases nowadays tbh...

Still I will be playing on the 8th and hope to enjoy it. We'll see.
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And you've decided that must be bull, based on what?

I think it's incredibly unfair on the developers of this game being branded as money-leeching, morally corrupt demons because of who the publisher is. Any decision they've made which hasn't conformed to public demand has been deemed to have been implemented for reasons other than creating the best game they possibly can.

But I must say it's amusing more than anything else the number of people kicking up a fuss about city size - how do you know you need a certain gameplay element to enjoy a game you've never even played? SimCity ain't SC4 with updated graphics - it plays differently and therefore you can't say the lack of a certain feature can only be to the game's detriment.

I played the beta, and maxed out the map in 35 minutes.

What do YOU think that indicates about the game direction?
How can a developer be so stupid :confused:

In fairness they didn't blow 300 million on this and mess up an absolute top tier company just a few million and a good one this time. They are improving!

(said very tongue in cheek but yes EA suck but hey so do Ubi and Valve are no better with their rubbish offline mode etc etc)
And you've decided that must be bull, based on what?

I think it's incredibly unfair on the developers of this game being branded as money-leeching, morally corrupt demons because of who the publisher is. Any decision they've made which hasn't conformed to public demand has been deemed to have been implemented for reasons other than creating the best game they possibly can.

But I must say it's amusing more than anything else the number of people kicking up a fuss about city size - how do you know you need a certain gameplay element to enjoy a game you've never even played? SimCity ain't SC4 with updated graphics - it plays differently and therefore you can't say the lack of a certain feature can only be to the game's detriment.

But that particular gameplay element just happens to be one of the core elements to the game. Its sim CITY. Cities need lots of space to grow. Nuff said.

In 2006, microsoft released Flight sim X. You could fly anywhere around the world in any tyoe of aircraft from a cessna to a jumbo jet to a eurofighter. To this day there is a huge market for third party scenery/aircraft addons to further enhance just about every aspect of FSX, just like the modscene for SC4. A few years later the studio reponsible for the flight sim series was disbanded. Finally in 2011 microsoft accounced MS Flight. Aimed less at the hardcore enthusiast and more towards the casual player, kinda like SC5. however it was initially limited to hawaii and later alaska, with only a small amount of light aircraft to use and was missing a ton of features. In other words it was very restricted in what it could do. Needless to say it was a complete flop and development/support was quietly ended about three months after it was released. See where im going with this?
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