SimRig build*..........*build includes building a shed for it 1st

Mid Jan and i've bough a shed (lol) load of insulation. Jesus insulation board is expensive oh and plasterboard is heavy! Those boards I must have moved 6 or 7 times before finally fitting them. I need another shed to store all the shed stuff!

I've gone for 70mm in the floor. 100mm walls (75mm between joists + 25mm insulation board) and 125mm on the celing (100mm between the joists + 25mm insulation boards). I'm sealing and taping all the joins to try and keep it as well insulated as possible.

End of Jan and the temp tarp "roof" is gone as the EPDM roof i've bought has arrived. It's basically a huge rubber sheet that you glue down and forget about. Needs to be done in warm weather so for now it's just pinned down.

Insulation continues. Plasterboard moving around continues :(

Oh and I got the flooring down. 18mm (i think) wayrock flooring (floating floor I believe it's called) It's just sat on top of the insulation boards.

Valentines day.....

Finally moved the plasterboard around for the final time. It's still stupidly heavy. Quite pleased with how this turned out. Have I mentioned screws? I have put thousands into this shed!

Actual SimRig content!!!

16th Feb.

I considered building my own rig from 80/20 but in the end the hassle vs / £ saving ratio didn't work for me. So i've bought a P1X rig from SimLab along with their triple monitor stand.

Just checking my OCUK orders and on Valentines day I treated mysef to 3 of these: "LG 32" 32GN600-B 2560x1440 VA 165Hz 1ms MBR FreeSync HDR10 Widescreen LED Backlit Gaming Monitor" ETA April...
Oh, i've bought a kitchen for storage and workbench usage. I looked into specific "workshop / shed" units but they were too expensive for me :)

This is what it should look like. I took the units that day so I could build them, but the doors and draws have to be delivered. Arriving this week.

28th Feb. My external cladding arrived. I'm using a composite board so there's no ongoing maintenance required and hopefully it will outlive me. As with all aspects of this build it's an adventure into the unknown when I started fitting. It's appearing to go ok.

Progress on the 6th March. Oh and my door arrived. Ordered in December! Never fitted a door before but lickily it fitted in the hole i'd left for it with a few mm of packers around it. I've expanding foamed the gaps and it appears to be in place well. Oh given the inside several coats of white paint.

The cladding does look good, good choice in the kitchen counters too, if only for the aesthetic over more traditional tool benches given you're essentially creating a living space.
Morning all. Sorry for a few days of no updates. I've been banned because I mentioned a competitors name in the thread*. Opps! Been over 40 years since I’ve been made to sit on a naughty step but there you go. :)

Anyway, hopefully I can blitz through the updates to get us up to date. If OC starts selling building materials then PM me as this thread will get me exterminated rather than just a 3 day ban.

*Recommendations in that thread going to net OC several hundred pounds of business too!
The cladding does look good, good choice in the kitchen counters too, if only for the aesthetic over more traditional tool benches given you're essentially creating a living space.

Cheers, I bought the units from a DIY supplier on the cheap end of the spectrum and have had to build them. I recently put a new kitchen in my house and you can see why some kitchens cost more than others.

Yes, the "shed" has spiralled slightly....I guess that's one advantage to taking your time over something. It gives you plenty of thinking time.
Spray the cladding with “Wet & Forget” from Costco. Works brilliantly and stops it going green..

Top man, thank you. Do OC sell wet and forget? You'd better check :-p I've not got a Costco locally but i'll Google use a searching tool and either buy online or find an alternative. Thanks again.
Looks fantastic cant wait to see it all done! Definitely keeping an eye on this thread!

Thanks, hopefully 95% done soon and I can "move in"

It's looking real good, I look forward to seeing the end cave & what hardware you use for the sim.

More sim updates incoming. Well computer stuff. I've pretty much decided on the PC build now. Getting the 3090 last week has pushed the build further up the list.
3 total costs of painting and it's got some colour. It had another coat after this and after fiully drying out the patchy bits all went away.

I wanted to get it done before the flooring was fitted. I hate painting, ecpecially the "cutting in" I bought some green frog tape for the celing always as soon as i pulled it off it bulled the celing paint off with it in parts. Sigh. It will be a job for the wife to do now as she's much more delicate than me.

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