SimRig build*..........*build includes building a shed for it 1st

14th March now, almost up to date!

I've recently put down LVT in my house and being impressed with it i've bought some for the shed too. It needs a thin layer of plywood and then it's glued down to it. I think it looks great :)

With the shed internals being close to completion I started the horrifically painful task of building my flat pack kitchen. Swearing happened but I got there eventually. None of them are anway close to square and if you sneeze near them they all move a few inches. I'll get them all sorted and locked together when I fit.

Oh, build the rig monitor stand too. I need to start planning exactly where stuff will be located and with the stand built it makes planning easier.

Everybody has aircon in their shed, don't they?

Oh, I've fitted aircon.

I needed something to give me a little bit of heating. The shed is insulated well (hopefully!) but I thought it might still need some initial heat inside over the colder winter months. I was going to have an electric radiator but they are quite expensive. For only "a little but more £" (common theme) I could have this unit fitted and gain all the benefits that come with it. So I did. :)

On reflection I probably need a longer trailer.....

....A quick trip to the timber merchants to buy skiring, architrave, window sill and some timber to frame the door and window.

A quick measure and cut and a trial fit. Looks good! The width needs cutting down. I'll paint then no more nails it into place when i'm happy.

We're upto date...whoop whoop.

Yesterday the pretty bits for the kitchen arrived. On time and at the moment it looks like it's all there!

I definately need to build a shed to keep all this stuff in. It's like tetris in here moving stuff around!

A quick test with one door so I could see how it looked. It looks good.

Phew! Right I should have started this thread when I started rather than trying to do it all in one (turned out to be two!) hits.

I'll update as I go now.

Thanks for reading so far :)
Morning all. Sorry for a few days of no updates. I've been banned because I mentioned a competitors name in the thread*. Opps! Been over 40 years since I’ve been made to sit on a naughty step but there you go. :)

Anyway, hopefully I can blitz through the updates to get us up to date. If OC starts selling building materials then PM me as this thread will get me exterminated rather than just a 3 day ban.

*Recommendations in that thread going to net OC several hundred pounds of business too!

Seems a bit excessive. lol

You shouldn't have any problems discussing other stores as long as they're not supplying things OCUK supply, so as long as you stay away from mentioning computer related competitors you'll generally be fine. If you want to mention Wickes or Homebase or something of their ilk it wont be a problem.

Your build is looking great by the way, really coming along nicely.
Seems a bit excessive. lol

You shouldn't have any problems discussing other stores as long as they're not supplying things OCUK supply, so as long as you stay away from mentioning computer related competitors you'll generally be fine. If you want to mention Wickes or Homebase or something of their ilk it wont be a problem.

Your build is looking great by the way, really coming along nicely.

It's all good :) Fink was fine and I’ve apologies for my oversight. There might have been a little tongue in cheek on my building merchants comment. They run a zero tolerance policy and I was only suspended for 3 days.

Build, cheers. I'm pleased with what I’ve been able to accomplish.
OC delivery yesterday :)

She's just missing a CPU (gfx and psu in my other system and i'll swap over). I am / was hoping for a 5900x but with none of those in sight i've got a 3600 arriving today that will get me up and running.

Hopefully moved into the shed over the weekend.
Have you considered a mini bar? I mean when you have won a race its always nice to celebrate :P I love the look of the Lian Li cooler nice and clean, PC is going to be great when its all done!
Mammoth build!

Thank you.

Have you considered a mini bar? I mean when you have won a race its always nice to celebrate :p I love the look of the Lian Li cooler nice and clean, PC is going to be great when its all done!

I did consider a water feed but decided against the expense due to the shed being close to the house. When we extend the drive will need to be dug up for a new toilet. At that point I'll have an easy option to run a cold water feed in and maybe have a coffee machine or hot water tap. Fingers crossed on the PC...

Looking great so far. Subbing even though the finish line is in sight......:)

Hopefully the end is close. Thanks for your optimism.
Nice work, looks like a good size man cave too! I would have like to be able to go a little bigger on my build... Perhaps the next house will have a more space for a larger one!
What a great job you have done so far, so neat and a very thorough job. Bet you can't wait to get it finished and get racing now. Interested to hear how easy the P1X goes together I'm deciding whether to get one of those or a Trak Racer TR160.
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