Why does he need to jump out of the way? Vettel takes at least 3s to come across the track from his start line, that's almost pedestrian! If Max was aware of Kimi's position (and he's alongside even to the point that he's beyond him by the time contact is made so the "couldn't see him due to spray" doesn't wash) he wouldn't have ended up making a panicked maneuver that put him into Kimi side. It's a schoolboy error to cause a collision, when you might have otherwise have been in a collision, assuming Vettel just blindly and out of control drove into Max if Max hadn't drifted left.
Were we watching different races? Vettel was miles away from Kimi when Max spun him round, Kimi has almost gone a full 90degree turn before he hits Vettel.
You're quite way off in your race analysis. Why are you indicating it took Vettel almost 3 seconds to cross the track using a slomo video for reference?
The incident was quite simple.
Max can see Kimi
Vettel can't see Kimi
Max see's Vettel moving over
Max steers left, probably knowing full well what's about to happen.
Kimis rear wheel hitting Max's front is the actual catalyst for the crash
Vettel isn't "miles away" from Kimi, because Kimi hits him with some degree of force to cause that kind of sidepod damage
Kimi "could" have also moved left to avoid the incident completely. It wasn't out of his scope to do so.