Skate 2

Hall Of Meat


New trailer
Well now I've finished my first time limit I'll go into a bit more detail:

Graphics are a slight but noticeable improvement and gameplay felt silky smooth.
Audio is very good, sound effects seem pretty much the same, music in the demo was very good.
New tricks feel very natural to do and I can see them being very useful in lines, especially the inverts and various plant tricks. Getting off your board allows you to move things around, very easy to use and really opens up some new lines. The park in the demo has a good range of pieces to trick off, spent most of my time on the kickers and rails to the right as you go in.

Replay editor felt a little unintuitive compared to Skate 1's, however once Id read the help (:p) it became just as easy to use, can't figure out how to change camera filters or if that feature has been removed. The new camera options in replays are brilliant, should allow a much larger variety of vids.

Tim limit seemed a little stingy compared to last time (15 mins last time, this time you get time based on completing objectives, I ended up with about 6 after finishing everything) Im going to play it again and ignore the objectives and see how much I get.

Cant wait for this now :)
Yeah I went back to Skate 1 last night and the change in graphics is significant. Also Id forgotten how damn annoying the camera could be at times, seems in a much better place in Skate 2.
I've no idea, if you get the first one before Friday I'll try multiplayer though. Its mostly a single player game really in my experience, sounds like the multiplayer is better fleshed out in the sequel.
Skate 2 has got a new thing where you can go into online free skate from single player really quickly (similar to Burnout Paradise) whether its the whole map or just divides a section off I don't know. Should be a good feature though, will have to do a list of people that have it so we can add each other.
Yeah free skating online now lets you start mini challenges as supposed to going into a full blown new mode (although you can do that as well) Should make for some good play.
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