the fact that no car chase ever has anyone getting run over, they drive through very pedestrianised areas and never hit a little old lady with a cuppa, or the dog tied up while the owners look in the shops
you sick person!
also, any tracking device that is quite obviously a blinking LED in a box
or an image with roads and a dot, no street names or poinient landmarks, but they always know exactly where they are
surely that depends on the size of the database? and in most of these programs they are meant to be using cutting edge tech
"Danger to Manifold", then the passenger foot-well floor falling off was a good one.
it's what I do
also in shootouts there's never any innocent bystanders who get one lodged in their face, people running down the street firing at each other, despite the fact they miss each other, they also miss everyone else
One that's always annoyed me throughout my life, Star Trek/Star Wars/ ANY space themed show. When two spaceships/vessels meet in the infinite blackness of space, they're both on the same rotation and level, one isn't flying on it's side compared to the other, nor is one flying downwards.
What about the lady in Pulp Fiction who gets shot after Bruce Willis crashes his car. Before the black dude gets bum raped.
not seen it *hides* but is she a main character? or just someone nearby unfortunate enough to be given extra orifices?
One that's always annoyed me throughout my life, Star Trek/Star Wars/ ANY space themed show. When two spaceships/vessels meet in the infinite blackness of space, they're both on the same rotation and level, one isn't flying on it's side compared to the other, nor is one flying downwards.
Just a random lady, she goes to investigate the car crash and then the black dude (before being bum raped) shoots and hits her. I think she lives though.