Sky Fibre Optic

Slap your line number in here - it's massively dependent how far you are from the cabinet, as oppose to the cabinet + exchange as per ADSL

Our row of 4 houses went from 1.2Mb/s to 26Mb/s :D

Cheers, I slapped it in and here are the results:

I'm 1.3miles (by road) from the nearest cabinet and currently get about 1.2 MB/s while downloading through Steam.
Cheers, I slapped it in and here are the results:

I'm 1.3miles (by road) from the nearest cabinet and currently get about 1.2 MB/s while downloading through Steam.

Much less than 1.3 miles if you're getting that sort of estimate.
Just had an email off of them staying the activation date is the 29th. Not within the 6 days the rep had assured me it would be. I'm not overly bothered by the extra wait....... the 29th was the date BT had given me for infinity.

I believe the "6 days" is just a script they read off, when I had ADSL installed I had to wait a month and a half! Its most likely when a openreach engineer can get out and do the cabinet work I think.
I am with KC at the moment but BT are offering fibre in my area shortly. I will need a new line as it's been KC since the house was built 7 years ago. I currently have Sky TV with sports. Do they do any special deals for existing customers? I want unlimited with 80/20.

Is it possible to have Sky just through the net yet or do we still need the box?
Out of minimum term with sky best they could offer as I don't have TV is £20 for Fibre Pro and phone for £15.40 on a 12 month deal. Not the best deal and knowing my luck they probably plan to drop the Pro package to £20 anyway soon.
Just ordered fibre unlimited

Been advised min speed is 12mb max is 40 on download and up to 9.5 on upload

Should be in within the next 7-10 days :)

Happy days - fingers crossed for nearer the top end of the speed
got mine on way should be connected on the 15th i hope its a lot better then my current connection

humm speeds up this morning it`s usally around 5
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