Sky Fibre Optic

Excellent, cheers :)

I've noticed a lot of BT types milling around various street boxes recently, and slowly but surely they've moved from one to the other and occasionally digging up the ground in a random location.....only just twigged as to what they were doing :D Looks like they've started at the boxes furthest away and are slowly moving in from the outter ones towards the exchange. Activation date was already moved back from the 1st of June to the 30th of June here so fingers crossed they plod on and it doesn't get moved back any further.

Yeh ours was like that for the past few months, our live date was something like the beginning of march, but did'nt happen, i kept checking and checking all march and one random day it was active. So it should'nt be to long for you, just randomly keep checking.

Basicly the day you see swarms of Openreach vans around will be the day they are going live. We had that odd one or 2 most times, then one day the town/village's where swarming with them lol.

12 Long days to wait for my install, to finally get rid of this 5Mb connection..
Just had my update emails from Sky.

Open reach engineer coming 27th April to install new master socket with Ethernet port.

Sky engineer coming 4th May to install router (he's going to have a shock when he sees my MaxTerm Intel 330D, 2GB router running pfsense) and my Draytek vigor 120 modem.
Just had my update emails from Sky.

Open reach engineer coming 27th April to install new master socket with Ethernet port.

Sky engineer coming 4th May to install router (he's going to have a shock when he sees my MaxTerm Intel 330D, 2GB router running pfsense) and my Draytek vigor 120 modem.

thats strange... most of the people on the trial said nothing about a sky engineer coming out ( do they have them fro broadband? )

I thought Sky just send your the router ( which you have to use as its not been cracked yet ) and BT install their modem, you then connect the two up and the Sky router does the authentication..
thats strange... most of the people on the trial said nothing about a sky engineer coming out ( do they have them fro broadband? )

I thought Sky just send your the router ( which you have to use as its not been cracked yet ) and BT install their modem, you then connect the two up and the Sky router does the authentication..

I'm hoping the new fibre service uses the same authentication method as the unlimited llu service.

Otherwise I'm going to have to double
Your installation date has been arranged. Please check the details below and make sure an adult is home on the date of your appointment to let the engineer in.
In order for the engineer to carry out the required work, please check the property is ready for the installation (e.g. you have no unfinished building work). You will also need to notify us beforehand of any parking restrictions that may apply.
You'll need a Sky router which we will be sending out soon, including an install CD and set up guide. We'll be in touch when it's on its way. Once your installation is complete your broadband services should be working immediately.
Appointment Your address
Engineer installation
Friday 04 May 2012
13.00 and 18.00

Unless they have had to push my install date back a week, which is a bit naff as they didn't even discuss this with me (as in, this is the open reach guy and they have jipped me by 7 days, as it was meant to be the 27th april).
yes i read that when it first came out... the only engineer that comes to the house is the Bt openreach engineer to install the faceplate and openreach modem.

Sky dont send anyone out to install their routers you get the router delivered in the post and plug it into the openreach modem and away you go.
Okay, so it seems that they've just pushed my selected date of the 27th back to the 4th.

Already starting to regret choosing Sky again...
My install is set for 30th April.

Just a word of warning I had to manually cancel my current line with Xilo as Sky couldn't issue the cease. It's a good thing I phoned up to check as there was nothing to indicate that I would have to do this.

On a separate note Xilo have been fantastic and if they offered a competitive fibre option I would still be with them. I highly recommend them for LLU ADSL connections.
Okay, so it seems that they've just pushed my selected date of the 27th back to the 4th.

Already starting to regret choosing Sky again...

I would call and check. Spoke with a few friends on the trial and only BT had to do a home visit to install the modem.

If you get the router in the post and BT still show up on the 27th to do their bit you should still be good.

Ohh and apparently Sky Fibre is using MER for authentication.
FYI I've had sky fiber since 2nd march and i had the BTO engineer come install the VDSL2 faceplate and connect it all up.

LOVING the speeds!
Mine managed to go through on monday after rejecting me on sunday :( Silly site!

Got confirmation yesterday and I had originally booked for the 27th to but they pushed my visit back to May 4th to (A morning visit when i asked for an afternoon visit so I can take a day off and have a lay in!). (Mind it was to my mums email account and when I looked I did find another email the day after I ordered it saying to contact them to confirm details about the order.)

Bit odd but it seems as though Fibre is on the way :D
I would call and check. Spoke with a few friends on the trial and only BT had to do a home visit to install the modem.

If you get the router in the post and BT still show up on the 27th to do their bit you should still be good.

Ohh and apparently Sky Fibre is using MER for authentication.

Spoof mac...profit?
Okay, so it seems that they've just pushed my selected date of the 27th back to the 4th.

Already starting to regret choosing Sky again...

I got the email a day after I ordered which pushed my install back a day (from 1st which I chose to the 2nd) but I rearranged after that to the same slot as you as its more convenient for me, so mine is the 4th 13.00-18.00 too.

Cannot wait. Only 2 weeks.

You got a Speed Test result Angel? Whats you upload too?
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