@Jamesyboyjim & @Jez
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Good to know there are cheaper options out there as I didn't really want to spend £200 on a new Sky box nor did I fancy giving Rupert Murdoch and more of my hard earned each month in subscription costs!
I think I'd probably want the version with built in Wifi as my box isn't near my router or phone line so is it the DRX890W (presuming W stands for wireless) I need to be looking at?
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Good to know there are cheaper options out there as I didn't really want to spend £200 on a new Sky box nor did I fancy giving Rupert Murdoch and more of my hard earned each month in subscription costs!
I think I'd probably want the version with built in Wifi as my box isn't near my router or phone line so is it the DRX890W (presuming W stands for wireless) I need to be looking at?