sleep paralysis

As soon as I close my eyes I get a weird feeling in my head and hands and I have to move. Can't explain it though, very weird. It keeps me awake most nights.
Only ever had it once about 2 years ago. I had the feeling something was right behind my head growling and I couldn't move.

I can't recall but I think I just dozed off again.
I used to have it constantly as a kid. Scared the crap out of me actually.

I occasionally still get it, but 99% of the time it's because I've gone to sleep on my back, or with some sort of pressure on the back of my neck (ie: sleeping in a reclining chair with the headrest area pushing into my neck).

I dunno why sleeping on my back causes it. I've clued the missus up on it though, so if she hears me moaning or struggling to move around she knows to shake the crap out of me and snap me out of it. :)
Can anyone else move their toes and fingers when they get this? I can but not the rest of my body. I have managed to roll out out of bed and crash onto the bedroom floor.
Can anyone else move their toes and fingers when they get this? I can but not the rest of my body. I have managed to roll out out of bed and crash onto the bedroom floor.

I can usually move my fingers, and if im lucky i can move my arm a bit. Movement is what snaps me out of it. Gotta muster up all your strength and try to start thrashing yourself around. :)
Had it a few times a few years ago (Not lately) where I couldn't move my body but about 9 years ago I had a bit of a scary experiance. I just started a job which required nightshifts which was new to me and after the shift I went to bed for a few hours kip. I remember waking up with an intense pressure on my body and the inability to move. I remember just screaming trying to move. Also right next to me there was a figure of a woman. For months afterwards I thought that I was being possessed! Until I heard that this was actually quite common haha :D
Only time i can relate to this is years ago, i woke up once and for about 10 seconds, i couldnt move any part of my body, was just stuck there lying there, was a scary feeling.
i have had sleep paralysis all my life but only really had the kind your describing when i was a kid. best advice i can give you to prevent sleep paralysis is to sleep regular as exhaustion can trigger it for me. Also sleep on your side as lying on your back tends to trigger it aswell. Sleep with the quilt over your head so if you do wake with sp you dont see anything freaky in the room. Ive seen aliens, shadows and it can be awful
ive had it before. it only lasted a few minutes, but those few minutes were filled with pure dread. a horrible heavy feeling. ergh. fast breathing too and looking in all directions quite rapidly. i didnt see any figures, though. that would seriously freak me out :p

funnily enough recently ive figured out how to dream more.. sleep on your back :) almost 99 percent of the time if i sleep on my back, i'll dream very vividly and remember them the whole day.
In my case, I woke up sometime in the night but I'm not sure if it was sleep paralysis combined with lucid dreaming... I started flickering in and out of the dream, I could hear the dream but my eyesight was rapidy switching between IRL and non-IRL. One side of my body was paralysed, tried calling for help, only weird moans came out.

I knew I was conscious because the poster had come down from my wall after I fell asleep in the night; and was in the "dream" and the morning.

Though it was less scary, more frustrating :p

I think you were having an orgasm.

I got startled in a dream the other week, woke up but was unable to move. Every time I tried to think out a solution or try to move I had a very loud ringing in my ears.

After about a minute I became UTTERLY determined to move and tried to shake my whole body and it snapped me out of it.
Well thanks for scaring the **** out of me before i go to bed...

your stories remind me of the movie insidious

I maybe have a lucid dream one a week. they normally have a happy ending though, this does depend on how my self estem is at the time :(

dont think ive ever sleep paralysis

Edit: i misunderstood what a lucid dream is...I almost always know that im dreaming says that is a lucid dream.

i can control a good percentage of them (dream control)
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Every time I tried to think out a solution or try to move I had a very loud ringing in my ears.

Ah I've had the old ridiculously loud ringing in ears too. It's horrible.

I think the worse one apart from the one I described earlier is the feeling of drowning, like I could actually feel water running over my face and I couldn't breathe. I'm pretty sure thats as close to waterboarding I'm gonna get
I've had this for years and I get it quite a lot.

I get a couple different ones, as I go into it I'll get whooshing noises in my ears like a really strong wind and it'll feel like I'm getting thrown around the room. I get other noises too.

I'll get other ones where I'm getting abducted by aliens (actually seen the alien in some cases lol) and it feels like I'm being put into something and being dragged across the floor.

I get one where it just feels like their is someone in the room with me aswell.

Quite a scary experience but I am used to it by now.

Forgot to add that sleeping on my back seems to trigger it.
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