it doesn't matter, you've CREATED an image and then taken someone elses words out of context and applied it to an image YOU created, you have no frame of reference (pun intentended) to be able to say that HIS words apply to YOUR image. he was talking about an entire scene from a movie, not a single frame grabbed at random
if you google "oblivion freeman" you'll see a bunch of images that match his description much better than the one you created
bearing in mind your original query was
and yet with my gamma turned down I can still see more detail than you can, the complete opposite of what your assumption was
bearing in mind I view my monitor in a dark room (same with my plasma TV in the living room for movie nights at home)
^ That sums this up the best really.
It is not a "basic" screenshot like what you are thinking of though, it is taken as a "frame", yes, call it an image if you want, as I suppose it is technically an "image".
If you have ever looked at illegal copies of films, you will see that there are various encodes and masters of films, people upload these "frames", images or whatever you want to call them... in order for people to compare the various encodes and choose the best one for quality i.e. that matches the source the closest.
This is a full untouched blu ray of the film, not some crappy illegal encode that weighs in at 8GB
Your original point was concern of it being a "screenshot" and as a result, losing its "data"/IQ?
Maybe I have got the wrong scene but the way he describes it, says to me that my image is the scene that he is talking about:
Sowa highlighted this with Morgan Freeman’s introduction in Oblivion, where he lights a cigar and then his face disappears into the darkness. You should just make out the very left edge of his face and his eyes. Everything else should be in complete black
I have just looked again and that entire scene with Morgan Freeman in darkness is the same in terms of darkness as my first image, there is a split moment where just after he lights the cigar that could perhaps be the scene he is referring to:
But then this part rules it out...
just make out the very left edge of his face and his eyes. Everything else should be in complete black
Maybe the guy wrote this part up wrongly and meant to write the "right edge of his face" instead and he just couldn't be bothered mentioning the other areas....
The entire scene remains the same as the first image right up until the lights come on so it's not like there is a huge variety of different scenes that Sowa could be referring too.
It really is quite pointless talking about what we should and shouldn't be seeing though as these guys are viewing the film on top range OLED TVs that destroy every LCD monitor especially when it comes to handling dark scenes like the above.
And yes that original post of mine was more a tongue in cheek comment (hence the stick out tongue emoji at the end) as people who don't understand how gamma etc. works often end up reducing it to the point of losing detail i.e. like 90% of the sweetfx configs out there, which butcher games just to get vibrant looking colours e.g. look at this:
Same goes for people that turn in game brightness right up despite being told that they should "barely see the test logo"...
As for "no idea about pixel data", I know what you mean about "pixel data", I have "no idea" about
pixel data regarding this particular scene as I didn't bother looking into or messing with the gamma etc. hence "I had no idea".... Until my last post when you brought up about the "screenshot"
And yes, with your gamma turned down, you might get closer to how he wants the scene to be viewed but like you said, it completely messes up your display for other things i.e. in your lagomn black level test. Again, something that I pointed out, which Sowa said, there is more to this than just gamma tweaking, something that Panasonic engineers have been working on. You're not going to get the same results as a £8000 OLED TV on a basic £500 LCD monitor just by adjusting gamma (and not messing the display up for other scenes with said settings)...