So err, What’s Happened to the Princess of Wales?

Look at any society in the world and you have the same distributions of wealth and influence. Humans have not and will never have a society where every aspect of life is equal for everyone. We strive therefore some are winners, some are not.

The royal family are an institution peculiar to this country but are not unique in any other country.
absolutely what's happening in the UK is no different to many societies in the world but does that mean we are not allowed to challenge that aspect of our society, which everyone surely agrees is wrong? sure work hard buy a nice car, nice house, nice whatever. But what you earn, who you marry, which part of the country you live in shouldn't dictate the quality of medical treatment received.

proper idealistic nonsense from me though when you have people who twist the words of those with that sort of idealistic belief.
but I don’t see why someone who has access to private medical cover should have to join the NHS line because ‘reasons’.
they shouldn't. no one is genuinely, imo, saying that (despite the 'take a ticket line' - i believe that was just hyperbole) but the nhs should be of a standard that private medical care is not needed. again fantasy nonsense from me but when you have folk like yourself comparing peoples health with a nice car, what chance is there to try to make things better.
Private medical cover is always going to be wanted. Some people will always have the means to pay for it and want to have access to it for a variety of reasons.

Their use of it doesn’t hinder the NHS in anyway. That the NHS is not performing as many people would like is irrelevant to people accessing private medical cover.
absolutely what's happening in the UK is no different to many societies in the world but does that mean we are not allowed to challenge that aspect of our society, which everyone surely agrees is wrong? sure work hard buy a nice car, nice house, nice whatever. But what you earn, who you marry, which part of the country you live in shouldn't dictate the quality of medical treatment received.

proper idealistic nonsense from me though when you have people who twist the words of those with that sort of idealistic belief.

You could put that down to what country you were born in too. It is okay to talk about it but when the crunch came and asked everyone to give up a load of their wealth to let other people in the developing world live better lives they would run a mile.

Even the chavs on benefits are basically millionaires compared to hundreds of millions living in say China or India.

This is why unless we change our outlook as a whole (Capitalism) then the NHS like pretty much everything else will all go private in the end anyway.
This is why unless we change our outlook as a whole (Capitalism) then the NHS like pretty much everything else will all go private in the end anyway.
and that's exactly what we need to do, change - but that won't ever happen when you have people being made out to be irrational or bitter for suggesting a bit more equality is needed.
it's really not irrelevant. a lot of the people accessing private medical care are doing so because the nhs isn't up to scratch.

Believe me I know, I’ve paid thousands for years because I couldn’t be seen on the NHS.

The point is the use of private medical care doesn’t hinder the NHS in anyway. That’s why it’s irrelevant. Operationally it’s irrelevant. Peoples use of private the medical cover isn’t stopping the NHS from operating more efficiently.
and that's exactly what we need to do, change - but that won't ever happen when you have people being made out to be irrational or bitter for suggesting a bit more equality is needed.
Suggesting someone goes ‘join the line’ because they have access to private medical cover and someone doesn’t like it is blatantly tinged with bitterness.

‘Yeah you should suffer like the rest of us’ in effect.
Suggesting someone goes ‘join the line’ because they have access to private medical cover and someone doesn’t like it is blatantly tinged with bitterness.

‘Yeah you should suffer like the rest of us’ in effect.

Maybe i'm inserting my own viewpoint a little but it reads to me more that if people who can afford private healthcare, especially the best of the best, were forced to use the NHS then it would be a lot harder for government to leave it in such a poor state.

Similar argument is made about private schools, its easy for MPs to underfund public schools when its not their kids suffering because of it.
The point is the use of private medical care doesn’t hinder the NHS in anyway. That’s why it’s irrelevant. Operationally it’s irrelevant. Peoples use of private the medical cover isn’t stopping the NHS from operating more efficiently
It absolutely does hinder it - rather than fixing the nhs, more and more people are just being expected to go private. I’m not saying private shouldn’t exist - don’t think anyone is saying that.
If you have the cash then of course people should be able to have nicer things but those nicer things shouldn’t include better quality treatment.
At the rate we’re going there won’t be a nhs soon and we’ll all be living the American medical dream.
Maybe i'm inserting my own viewpoint a little but it reads to me more that if people who can afford private healthcare, especially the best of the best, were forced to use the NHS then it would be a lot harder for g

Perhaps but I don’t fully buy it. I’m not convinced the NHS is ‘fixable’ from a sheer logistical and resource perspective.

The NHS already has a massive budget. It’s never going to be able to offer the kind of care that private care does because it’s trying to look after the entire population.
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Maybe i'm inserting my own viewpoint a little but it reads to me more that if people who can afford private healthcare, especially the best of the best, were forced to use the NHS then it would be a lot harder for government to leave it in such a poor state.

Similar argument is made about private schools, its easy for MPs to underfund public schools when its not their kids suffering because of it.
Much better put than I’ve been trying.
If you have the cash then of course people should be able to have nicer things but those nicer things shouldn’t include better quality treatment.

I really don’t see why not. It’s a free country.

If the NHS is trying to treat the entire population, then private healthcare is always going to offer ‘better’ treatment.

Can people not access better education if they pay for it? Better food? Where do you draw the line.
I really don’t see why not. It’s a free country.

If the NHS is trying to treat the entire population, then private healthcare is always going to offer ‘better’ treatment.

Can people not access better education if they pay for it? Better food? Where do you draw the line.
I suspect many draw rhe line where you stated for health and education.

The fundamentals of life you cannot provide for yourself
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