Do you have the same beef with every person who manages to obtain private health care or just Kate and the Royals?
I’ve not got any beef with someone with private health care, no. I’ve not, at any point, said anything negative about private health care. At all.
What I suppose I do have a beef with is the royal family getting special treatment /care over the rest of the country just because they happen to have been born into or married into some family we are supposed to put on a pedestal above others. Just because.
The care she will get, just because she’s shacked up with a prince is going to be above and beyond what any other individual within this country, private or otherwise, will get. She will be prioritised above other mothers with the same disease, private or not.
So I suppose the question is: Do you think her life, is worth more than someone else who also happens to have private healthcare but hasn’t had the luxury of marrying into the royal family.
If you think that’s right or fair, I’m not trying to convince you of otherwise. I think the royal family is a stupid notion at the best of times but that’s just my opinion.
What I am
not saying is that I do not wish for her to get treatment or wish her ill. I, like many people, have lost loved ones to cancer. I don’t wish it on anyone. So I wish her the best, it’s not her fault the world is the way it is but that doesn’t mean I have to agree with it.