So I decided to put some fairy liquid in the dishwasher.....

I think everyone has covered the washing up liquid but I'm interested in knowing why you've got rabbit **** all over the floor?

seems like its cat\dog food

Yeah it's dry food for the kittens.

They spit it on the floor and eat off of that instead of the bowl lol

I do hoover it daily but I can't keep on top of it because as soon as I clean it they spit some more out of the bowl.
I was a kid. We had a dishwasher. Thought I'd surprise my mom when she got home from work by doing the dishes. I couldn't find the tablets so added fairy liquid. A LOT of fairy liquid. I then went out to play.

Came back a few hours later and the whole kitchen was rammed with foam, it was hilarious.
So as I've ran out of dishwasher tablets I thought I'd put a touch of fairy liquid in the dishwasher.

I've learnt the hard way that you're NOT supposed to do this.

Am I the only one that's done this on this forum?!

I've done similarly. I put an "empty" soap disposer from the bathroom in the dishwasher and also found it like this. No harm done, though.
probably would have been fine with one drop
Oh, you're poor too?

When I had a dish washer I hardly used it apart from birthdays and special occasions when there would be guests plates and cups.

you can do it faster by hand, never liked waiting for it to finish so I could unload it, mrs was usually lazy and would try to use the dishwasher as a cupboard.... then pile up dirty plates on the side board :rolleyes:

dishwasher is just lazy, probably why some of the forum complain about putting on weight easy as they get older :p
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probably would have been fine with one drop

When I had a dish washer I hardly used it apart from birthdays and special occasions when there would be guests plates and cups.

you can do it faster by hand, never liked waiting for it to finish so I could unload it, mrs was usually lay and would try to use the dishwasher as a cupboard.... then pile up dirty plates on the side board :rolleyes:

dishwasher is just lazy, probably why some of the forum complain about putting on weight easy as they get older :p

I've just never seen the need for one.

I like my mod-cons as much as the next person, but a dishwasher never appealed to me at all.

Like you say, washing by hand is much quicker and convenient (for me).
I've just never seen the need for one.

I like my mod-cons as much as the next person, but a dishwasher never appealed to me at all.

Like you say, washing by hand is much quicker and convenient (for me).
was handy for washing baby bottles and dummies when it got to the point they didn't need sterilising anyway but other than that...
2 adults+2 kids didn't seem worth unless we were both knackered, rinsing the plates in the sink then loading the dish washer is almost as much effort as just washing them properly.
then when you factor in the needing to unload it so dirt plates can go back in.... it's probably the same effort as washing anyway.
We use ours every day almost it's a god send. 3-4 meals a day 2 kids, saves us a huge amount of time!

Back to the OP never done it with a dishwasher but did have a similar experience with a washing machine!
rinsing the plates in the sink then loading the dish washer

You're doing it wrong.

I'd be miserable having to wash by hand. Load dishwasher throughout the day, on in the evening, wife unloads. Can always tell when going to others houses and items are washed by hand. Glasses never feel clean, have a filmy texture and odd smell. Maybe you can put that down to the standard of the individual doing the washing, in which case most don't do a job anywhere near as good as a dishwasher. One of the best appliances ever invented.
yeah i did it to clean it once :P

had the bubbles leaking out the bottom.

i was about 17 at the time though.....

I always giggle when someone does it to public fountains. I am an idiot.
Glasses never feel clean, have a filmy texture and odd smell.
then they don't wash them properly, expect soaking in a sink to clean things an and dont rinse the washing up liquid away at the end.

althought he texture you don't like might just be the smooth finish that hasn't been battered and scratched by salt in a dish washer
The thought of ever washing up by hand again makes me feel sick, you poor little urchins, can't you get the housekeeper to do it,
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