So its non uniform day today

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but my mum was like "you can't do that!" and I was like "no way nazi, you can't control me" then I ran out the door and indie nosegrind kickflipped off the cat

subsequently "I wanna get a mohawk but my mom won't let me" ;P
wear your highheal shoes or your slippers just to wind them up.

Just because its a dress down day doesnt mean you have go wear trainers, how about some nice smart jeans, a casual shirt and your black shoes
White Converses are awesome, take that back! I've found on places such as Walktall that Converses, or skate shoes, are the only casual shoes available... with skate shoes making someone with size 14 feet look like their feet look stupidly, stupidly big :o:eek: (as the actual body of them is thick, whilst Converses are very thin).

I just find they get dirty really quick and hurt my feet :/

But yea I can imagine skate shoes look big, my 12s are crazy thick, doesn't help that the tongue is 2 inches thick :D
If I wear my shoes I normally wear I will look like a tool, if I wear my uniform I will look like a tool. I would rather not look like a tool.

Buy some decent shoes then - I mean not just for this non-uniform thing - but if you don't actually have a pair of shoes you can wear out etc.. then its prob a good idea to get some as this situation has highlighted.

Other reasons being, when not a student you might find some nightclubs are funny about trainers, some times you might be invited to an event where you have to dress smart, you'll need some for job interviews if you decide one day that perhaps working at the tills at tesco isn't your lief long ambition....
Three pages of people missing the point, which is that they don't allow trainers but will allow women to wear stupid shoes.

erm that requires the assumption that the no trainers thing was for health and safety reasons - which doesn't seem likely else you wouldn't be able to let women wear heels etc... - more likely it is an image thing - middle age people working in dull middle management jobs perhaps think that trainers aren't smart and so they have set some rules for their non uniform day.
fight the powa!

Haha :D

Also I really don't see the point. Who cares? So you can't wear trainers on non-uniform day, boohoo. You can't wear them any other time either. They could have just not given you a non-uniform day, would you wear non-uniform then?

You wouldn't look like a tool wearing shoes, because everyone else will be. :rolleyes:
I would do the same TC. But only if I owned just that one pair of footwear. I would not go out and buy another pair of shoes/boots/whatever to appease management for one bloody day.

However if you own other footwear, then wear that and not the trainers.
Didn't anyone do what i did at school, come in with your school uniform on and then once the teacher had collected the measly 50p fee for the non school uniform day i would go to the toilet and switch to my normal clothes!

That 50p got me a pizza at lunch! Woot!
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