So I've been posting on these forums for 10 years

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17 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
Really enjoyed reading this thread and had completely forgot about some of the older names. I always remember Eyedot and his purple TVR, lol.

I was properly addicted to UT, and can remember going to the i7 LAN party in Newbury.

I actually started my own website in 2000/2001 and detailed how to do the 'pencil trick' on the Duron 750 :) It was an exciting time, and I thought I hit the big time when it was featured on hex, haha. Who remembers Bit-tech?

I actually can't remember a whole lot of the hardware I had, but I remember taking a dremel to a Globalwin 802 case and upgrading to a Coolermaster ATCS 101 which was around £200 at the time. Its still in the house looking awfully unused. I also remember my pride and joy was an Iiyama Visionmaster Pro 410, complete with a FLAT diamondtron screen :D as well as a Diamond purple 56k modem which gave me pings of around 170. Good old days.

So I've gone from overclocking CPUs, to essentially overclocking cars. Some things never change :D
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21 Oct 2002
How things change, I used to get banned fairly regulary on the old boards.

Fruitbat and MYB used to have real hard ons for me.

You wouldnt of been able to say that with those pair moderating, permanent ban for rude language.
You certainly wouldnt get a friendly yellow edit on your posts telling you not to swear, or a little scold not to mention competitors, just a ban.

Quite funny really.

Someone would troll you out, if it was a fruitbat or MYB favorite, you would get banned, they wouldnt.

Someone would say they've bought something, for X price, if OCUK sold it and it was more expensive, regardless of what context you mentioned the price, ban.

The moderating team since the Big Nuke has been a million times better (even if I still havent heard of half of them) ;)
18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
Ten yrs ago, I was looking at the board through one of these..

18 Oct 2002
Pre 2002 here too. I can never remember my original joining date, was probably early 2001. I think DDR was just happening and I knew a lot of people with AMD thunderbird chips in that good old globalwin case. I got the overclocking bug when I upgraded my PC to an XP1800 with a GF3 Ti200 which was incredible. I really started tinkering with that and pretty much replaced every component with the help of the MM. Those were simpler times. I can't imagine what my current self would say to myself 10 years ago or vice versa.
19 Oct 2002
One thing that was better long ago was the monitors taking power through the vid. board. It was awesome to turn on/off the computer & the monitor would turn on/off with it.
11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
Cool OP. I was thinking along those lines recently since I've been using this forum since 2004.
My (time \ post count) isn't too great mind. I like to think of my contributions as quality over quantity ;)

It's still a nice place to visit and abandon immediate reality. I remember VIRII and cleanbluesly creating controversy every now and then with their opinions.
27 Nov 2002
Happy birthday Feek!


Was that picture the reason for her permaban in the end?!

I too remember eyedot and the purple TVR, Fox buying a Xantia and then spending seemingly my entire university career looking for a 530 :p

My biggest "was it really that long ago?" moment is looking back to Half Life 2. I loved the first, and was waiting impatiently for the second. The IT guys supervising the network in my uni halls had so many requests that they unblocked the relevant ports on the switch so that everyone could validate their copy in order to play.

2004. Seven whole years ago this month. Cripes!



18 Oct 2002
Gotta be over 10 years for me too, i joined when i was at secondary school. Amazing how much life changes in that time when you are young.

Totally lost interest in computer hardware these days, but i went through the slot A, then AXIA 1ghz athlon with phase change vapochill cooling, the lot, coupled with 21" CRTs which i guess were huge at the time. Seems so stupid now when i can just buy a powerful slick iMac with a 27" screen all built into one unit :p
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18 Oct 2002
Back in East London
Was that picture the reason for her permaban in the end?!

I too remember eyedot and the purple TVR, Fox buying a Xantia and then spending seemingly my entire university career looking for a 530 :p

My biggest "was it really that long ago?" moment is looking back to Half Life 2. I loved the first, and was waiting impatiently for the second. The IT guys supervising the network in my uni halls had so many requests that they unblocked the relevant ports on the switch so that everyone could validate their copy in order to play.

2004. Seven whole years ago this month. Cripes!

No, though I suspect it didn't help. There was a long stirring undertone to the reasons that Piggymon (and others) were banned. It's Probably a topic best left lying tbh.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
I've been on here since the quite early days, certainly before the nuke in 2002. One of my Quake2 clan members told me about it (clan Revenge - Rv). It was back in the days of slot AMD processors and Geforce 256 graphics cards. Around the same time I remember going to my first ever LAN (Insomnia 99) where every other person seemed to be watching a pirate version of Matrix - a film I hadn't even known about until I saw it playing there.

So much has changed in my life since then. I've got married, moved house to a different area, had two lovely children, lost my father to lung cancer, moved jobs twice, broken my leg, and just had a brief bout of cancer myself (removed now and very curable type luckily - so the outlook is good). It is amazing how much can change in that time.
21 Oct 2002
I still have my pc under my bed. 1Ghz Axia with KT7A and a one of the last GeForce 2 Ultras from **** for £99. It was a mate at Uni who told me about the site so I must have joined in 1999.

Still proud of my 158mhz fsb x10 Overclock on a red core week 3 I hand picked at a computer fair!

Remember spies 200sx too
25 Nov 2003
2003 I joined and was in first year of college I believe studying an "AVCE in ICT" i dont even think they still do the qualification anymore, I failed it after not doing any work and spending my time between here and SOF2 with a friend of mine who was also on the same course as me (Smoove as hes known on here)Thinking back I probably should have picked entriely different courses and actually put more effort in, but what the hell I had a good laugh at the time :D

All I remember from the forums back then were people like AlphaNumeric posting unbelievably in depth stuff about maths and physics and I was still on 56K reading about people going "OMG Broadband is amazing!" and of course the poster "Broadband" who is a legend of these forums for the photoshop thread that spawned from him posting his pic(although that was probably sometime after 2003).

Also facebook was not existant and the likes of faceparty were about as "social networking" goes, dont think youtube was around either?

Thinking on it I think I enjoyed my life more back then, full time work really is teh fail:o and the net was still not so mainstream as it is today IMO.
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