So Thanks Microsoft

:confused: Why? :confused:

I'd have thought you'd have seen a pattern developing somewhere between the 2nd & 3rd ones failing!

O please don't turn this into a VS. thread :(

Sorry - my post wasn't meant to imply anything pro/anti either console, more along the lines of my patience would have gone with a console that I'd had to return 5 or 6 times, irrespective of the games on it.
My xbox 360 elite was picked up by the UPS man this morning ( after giving me an empty box to put it in & I gave him tea )

Getting Project Gotham Racing 3 sometime next week from Microsoft, and a promise that a working console will be sent back to me, the guy said it will be replaced.

2nd console I've owned, First was a release on, and it died, so used this as an excuse to buy my elite last Jan, My brother has an Arcade console as well.

Bahhh hope they send me a working console this time.
PGR3, thats a pi** take man. You can get FOUR copies of that second hand off the high street for a tenner. They do 4 games for a tenner, some of the games are pants. BUT pgr3 is one of them
I also have a working mega drive :D

Same. :D

Can't say the same for my nintendo products though! SNES controller's dpads have a habbit of breaking and my old N64 just broke for no reason one day (got a new one naturally, what's £30 vs. the hours of fun randomly remembering you love Super Mario 64 again?). Gamecube's still going strong though.
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