So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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I hope your T is doing okay DHR.

Well as I said my L Parahybana moulted but I've lost the pics of the moult. So what I've done is a mini move of 5 secs (1.33meg) of the T before and after and morphing in between.

It's my first attempt at something like this.

Hope you like it.....

Right click the link and save the file.

Salmon Pink
Here's my latest pics of my three T's.

First off a couple of pics of my B Boehmei.


A nice close up..


My L Parahybana who moulted at the beginning of the week and hasn't eaten anything since...

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Here's my latest addition the Heteroscodra Maculata...


A nice under shot...


Now I know it's difficult but can anyone tell me if it's male or female from this shot...cheers....


All seem to be doing fine and I hope to get a P Regalis at the BTS show.


I've been offered a Vietnam Black. Is this a Haplopelma Minax?
I'm not sure exactly what a vietnam black is. The thing is jet black and VERY aggressive.

If anyone could give me some info on this while I'm considering getting it would be great. Cheers.
Originally posted by azrael357

I've been offered a Vietnam Black. Is this a Haplopelma Minax?
I'm not sure exactly what a vietnam black is. The thing is jet black and VERY aggressive.

If anyone could give me some info on this while I'm considering getting it would be great. Cheers.
More likely a Haplopelma sp."Vietnam"
I think you have a Minax don't you Lopez?

I saw one in a pet shop once, not sure it's a Tarantula I'd want to keep it was agressive and it wasn't a particuarly interesting colour or anything.

I really like your Boehmei, Azrael, how thick the legs are show just how small my juvenile one still is.

My Greenbottle Blue that moulted a couple of weeks ago now still hasn't emergered from the cocooned part of her enclosure. She appears to look a good deal bigger though. I think I need to get some crickets and see if that tempts her out.
Cheers Nexus,

I've just cleaned out my tank for the Boehmei and replaced te woodchip with coarse Vemiculite.

It's wandering about at the moment and I'm not sure if it will take to the Vermic. Time will tell.

I'm not sure how my H Maculata is doing. It's sat in one of the upper corners of the tank behing some bark. When I first got it it was coming down of a night and eating a cricket. The last couple of days it's left the crikets alone. It also dosn't seem to moving about much apart from to face up or donw.

This is my first Arboreal so I'm not 100% sure what to excpect.
Originally posted by Nexus
I think you have a Minax don't you Lopez?
Yep, a sub-adult female (6") and about 15 spiderlings.
They grow much larger and stockier than sp."Vietnam", and are nowhere near as nervous and flighty - minax will stand their ground a lot longer.

As for your Hetmac's behaviour azrael, sounds about right to me. Most arboreals don't do much (Poecilotheria are a bit more active)

Will I be at the show? Does the bear **** in the woods? :D
I've bought the Haplopelma sp but I'm a little conerned.
It's hardly moved at all. It's sitting under a fake leaf but I thought these were burrowers. There is a burrow that's not very deep or long.
Humidity was at 60% but as these need high humidity it's now around 90%.
Could anyone suggest anything that I could try to make the little T happier?

Also my Het Mac has thown up a load of webbing all over the tank. Look's like it's finally settling in. Yay!
Originally posted by azrael357

Could anyone suggest anything that I could try to make the little T happier?
Get a deep Custom Aquaria tank (12" deep or so), fill with damp peat to about 9", sink a burrow to the bottom down one edge using a broom handle, introduce spider.
Job done :)
Is top soil okay to use as the best I can do is top soil at 5" deep?

Could I get away with this if I contruct a diagnonal burrow?

Is the best to put a heat mat on the side of the tank with the soil so deep?

Questions questions!

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Top soil should be fine, as for depth how big is your Haplopelma? 5" of soil would be ok for a juvenile or sub adult..

I've got a 5" Haplopelma lividum that I keep in a sweet jar full of soil, I hardly ever see it but when I do its worth it :D


If you miss this, you are missing the BIGGEST T-fest in the country. Two large halls absolutely packed with traders from all over the world! If any of you see me and Kate there, come up and say hi. We don't bite :p
I'll be there.

Well after a shaky start for the Haplopelma sp Vietnam it's now doing rather well. It spends most of the day in it's new burrow and comes out of a night.
It thows up a defensive posture whenever I go to close to the tank and soon after disapears into it's burrow.

I've not manages to get a picture of it yet as I think it's camera shy.

When it comes to burrowing spiders, do they moult inside the burrow or outside?
If it moults inside does it deposit the shed skin outside afterwards?

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Originally posted by azrael357
When it comes to burrowing spiders, do they moult inside the burrow or outside?
If it moults inside does it deposit the shed skin outside afterwards?

Generally moult inside the burrow, or at the mouth, and then boot the skin out a few days later in a tangled mess. :D


At the moment I'm struggling to keep the humidity level above 80%. It's dropping to the low70s to high 60s. I'm misting daily now but I can't seem to keep the levels up.

Any suggestions on what I can do to keep the levels up?

I've got about 5" of top soil in the tank, a water dish and I'm misting up regulary. I've covered about 70% of the vents to reduce humidity loss.

Anything else I can try?
Pics of new arrival

Well Finally my Haplopelma sp came out of her burrow and I managed to a get a good pic.

Looks pretty mean...

Did't stay out for long though and here she is just within the entrance to her burrow...

Still having problems with the humidity though.

Anyways, I'm off to bed as I'm up early to head to the BTS show.

See you there.
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