So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Nhandu chromatus

Haplopelma Sp. "Vietnam"
Hello all just wanted to say that since i started keeping tarantula's about 5 weeks ago my list is growing.

1xC. cyaneopubescens 1" sling

And coming in through the post in the week a free

A. geniculata sling.

What can i say these little beast's are very addictive,and im sure thats not the end to what i call the sickness

It's the little Avic (only about 1cm legspan :p ), so not much chance of taking any direct action against them.

Yeah, I immediately moved him into a new completely dry container, he seems completely unaffected so far and has in fact gone webtastic in his new home so hopefully if they don't just die off he'll throw them in the next moult.

I've closely checked out my other spiders and I found one more on my GBB, you can actually see it under it's nose in the pic above, which is a bit strange as I keep the GBB pretty much dry, I guess it must have come off a cricket but they aren't breeding in there. The Avic seemed to have copped a face full in only a couple of days so I think they must have been breeding in his container...

-- Jon
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Well looks like it's about time I got my B.vagan male out on his travels if I can find a good home for him...


As for the mites like leon said just dry the tank out and make 100% sure there is not dead food lying round as they will feed off that..
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omg camel spider!?

hehe - joke

nice looking pets though, possibly a touch too creepy for me, I doubt I could ever sleep again if I knew one of those escaped somewhere in my house.
Originally posted by Lostkat
Has he got bulbs on his palps yet??

I have a 4.5" fem.... not sure at what size they're ready to breed though....
Yeah he's got bulbs and hooks, my other B.vagans moulted the other day also - guess what I've got another male :rolleyes:
Originally posted by St0n3y
Yeah he's got bulbs and hooks, my other B.vagans moulted the other day also - guess what I've got another male :rolleyes:

Might be worth asking Ray G if he has any females to sell at a reasonable price - I know he sold a couple of big ones off at the show.

Then you can try breeding 'em yourself. :)
I had thought about that, I still have the one male left as the other has hopefully been sold.

I put a wanted ad on the BTS BB but had no replies...
Very nice, they look so much better without a face full of mites :D

My Avic avic has been dry over a week now and the mites finally seem to be dropping off so hopefully I have them beat, little Avi seems oblivious to the whole carry on though :)

-- Jon
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