So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by DirtyMinx
So if these things are likely to bite, does this mean you cant handle them?

Having heard that there is no way I would have one.

All of them can bite, but not all do! Leon's Chille rose and my emilia are extremely docile species. I moved her to her new tank today. Ushered her into a small box and then ushered her out again by means of poking her a bit with a hair clip. She just sauntered along lazily. The bit she liked the least was me clipping on the lid to the tank, she went into hiding after that. Leon couldn't have done anything like that with his! They'd be out the box and biting his hand as soon as they got the chance.

Like Yan816 said, it really depends on the species that you have, and so some extent the individual. You may get a psycho chille rose, or a soft baboon. The key is to do plenty of research before you buy :)

When my emilia is all grown up, I plan to handle her. That is, unless she grows up to be a raving psychopath :)

Names on the maybe list so far:
I'm hoping to call mine Norman, even if it's a girl.

I hope to get an emilia just like you're Loskat.

Purdy little thing. I'm thinking of keeping the crickets in my shed though, as you can guess, mumsy refuses to let me keep them in the hosue.
I wouldn't class Jezabel as being a true unisex name. Could be seriously damaging to image if it turns out to be a 'he' :p
I'm so jelious of you lot with ya new furry babies :)

Keep the piccies coming tho, this is the first thing i've been really interested in since i discovered counter strike :p

I've been reading about Praying Mantis too, they're also pretty kool.

Hopefully we'll be moving house in the next couple of months, if we have some attic space, maybe i'll have a secret place to rear some beasties after all! MuHaHaHaaaaa!!! :D
Originally posted by Doobdonk
I wouldn't class Jezabel as being a true unisex name. Could be seriously damaging to image if it turns out to be a 'he'
Heh... well apparently I can change it to Jez if she turns out to be a he. I called her a Jezabel Harlot today and my house mate approved and thinks I should now call her Jezabel. Hmmmm I can't believe Leon named his before me.... That's SO ungirly of me :( I'm ashamed!

Originally posted by sik
I'm hoping to call mine Norman, even if it's a girl.

I hope to get an emilia just like you're Loskat.

Purdy little thing. I'm thinking of keeping the crickets in my shed though, as you can guess, mumsy refuses to let me keep them in the hosue.
You might have some trouble getting an emilia, I know I did! But apparently there's some spiderlings due in about May from one supplier I contacted. If you need the name of the lady I bought mine off, just mail me. Make sure you do TONNES of research first though and I'd wait about a week or so before you order just to make sure she's not an impulse buy :) They can last for up to 30 years in captivity :eek:

Your Mum won't let you keep crickets?? That's mental! They come in a plastic container which they CAN'T get out of and are very sweet. I can't imagine why so many people hate crickets



awww!!! Completely harmless!
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Do these crickets make a cricket noise or do they spend their entire life in captivity sleeping? Also, do they die off gradually in the container, and does it start to smell of cricket corpse? What do you do with the crickets after a week, as most no doubt wont get eaten?
Originally posted by Doobdonk
Do these crickets make a cricket noise or do they spend their entire life in captivity sleeping? Also, do they die off gradually in the container, and does it start to smell of cricket corpse? What do you do with the crickets after a week, as most no doubt wont get eaten?

Small ones don't make any noise. Large ones which have acquired their wings make crickety noises.

They spend their lives sitting there or walking about. If you shine a light on the bottom of the container, they all run around :D

They die, but not for a fair while if you keep feeding them.

They don't smell

When they're all eaten or all dead, you lob the container and buy a new one
They only make the chirpy annoying sound if they're on their own I do believe.

Just keep the same lot until everyone of them has dead or been consumed, I don't know how long that they approximatly last.

How about that for some useless information?

Thanks Lostkat.

edit: Why am I always too slow?
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Originally posted by Doobdonk
Forget the tarantula, i think i'll just buy a box of crickets :D Sounds like great fun :D:D
Hehe, they're very cool! I spent the day before my T arrived, just shaking the cricket box and making them all run from one side to the other. One escaped though, it's still hopping round my room... somewhere :D
You have to feed the crickets too? Damm, this is getting too complicated for me...

Can't you get freeze dried crickets or anything like that? I only ask because I can feed my Siamese fighting fish freeze-dried brine shrimp if I’m lazy or a need a neighbour/family member to look after them when I’m away.
Every now and then we have one loose some where. I remember hunting for one at 4 in the morning that was chirping its little brains out. It had been keeping me and the wife awake all night, every time I put the light on it shut up. When I eventualy found the little swine I giggled like a maniac as I introduced him to the Goliath.
:D :D :D
i hate spiders just amagin when ur asleep a spider crawling into ur ear laying its eggs the next morning they hatch {or when ever ] and then u die

creapy stuff:eek:
Originally posted by CypherPunk
You have to feed the crickets too? Damm, this is getting too complicated for me...

Can't you get freeze dried crickets or anything like that? I only ask because I can feed my Siamese fighting fish freeze-dried brine shrimp if I’m lazy or a need a neighbour/family member to look after them when I’m away.
Spiders generally won't take dead prey, as they tend to hunt by movement and vibration rather than sight.
You might get away with makinga cricket shish-kebab and wiggling it at the spider, but this doesn't always work.

When it comes to feeding crickets, I just lob a slice of potato in the box when they arrive and leave it at that.
At only £2.50 a tub I can afford to let them die. :)
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