So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by shaun88
i hate spiders just amagin when ur asleep a spider crawling into ur ear laying its eggs the next morning they hatch {or when ever ] and then u die

creapy stuff:eek:

Tarantulas don't tend to lay eggs in peoples' ears! :p
How do you feed your spiders when you are away Lopéz? I know for certain none of my neighbours/family/friends would dare go near a tarantula, and I definitely wouldn't want to be responsible for anyone getting bitten by it when they were trying to feed it.
Tarantulas can go for weeks or even months without food. They're cold blooded and have a very low metabolism, so don't really need all that much food. Spiderlings and juvenilles need feeding slightly more regularly, but as long as you're not away for weeks on end I would have thought they'd be fine. Apparently spiderlings can refuse food for weeks too.
It's quite exciting really, you get two lots of pets, the spider and the crickets!


I just saw her stalk a cricket before pouncing on it and killing it. It stopped wriggling in about 10 seconds! She's now sitting with it proudly held in her fangs :) I'm all relieved and happy now that I know she's eating.. I was getting extremely worried. There were two crickets in the tank and now there are none. I have the feeling that one either escaped though or has dug itself into the vermiculite.

And man can she move quick when she feels like it :eek:
As I've finally had a decent digital camera (Fuji Finepix A204) I thought I'd take one or two decent shots of the spiders.
Unfortunately the Baboons have webbed up for the day.
Pepper, my 10 year old Female Chile Rose.
Mugabe's Lair.

Idi seemed to be missing from the tank.
Ten seconds of poking the floor produced this:
"Morning Idi!"
"Pleased to see me are you?"
"Hmm, guess not."

Oh and DirtyMinx....that's the one you thought looked like a house spider.
Excellent pics, I told you that new cam would be good, Pepper looks lovely, what a nice pic of her :D

I think I'd leave Idi alone for a while now if I was you, he seems a bit grouchy this morning...flippin nora, look at them fangs :eek:
Brilliant pics Lopéz.

So you have just the three? I thought you had a few more from reading previous posts.

Keep this thread going tho mate cos it's totally awesome.

I'm definately gonna get one after we move house.......But don't tell the missus! ;)
Originally posted by Lopéz

Oh and DirtyMinx....that's the one you thought looked like a house spider.

Blimeh!! Thats one house spider with a bad attitude!! Thats one really ****** off spider you got there Lopez!

I like Pepper, she's pretty.
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