Another warning - Don't even think about trying this at home!
Leon decides to dice with death.... AGAIN!!
Well, clearly not satisfied with holding a pokie, today Leon decided he wanted to hold Zuila, my
Psalmopoeus irminia. Just to jog your memories, he's the one who tries to kill me everytime I look at him funny, and gives me this open-armed welcome when I open his tank
We found out that he had a slight mite problem, so I decided I wanted to clean him out before Leon went home - it's easier and safer to do this with both of us there. After the initial threat pose, and a lot of resistance, Zuila finally came out of his tank and settled in the mixing bowl.
I cleaned his tank with hot soapy water, sterilized his bark and gave him some new peat. When ready to transfer him back to his tank, Leon gently poked his back legs and he climbed very slowly up the side of the mixing bowl and onto his hand. Absolutely no sign of aggression from him at all, and he walks incredibly slowly. I was amazed.. this was a complete turnaround.
Anyway, we got him back into his tank. I've just lifted his lid now to check on him and he's back in threat pose, so he seems unaffected by the whole fiasco.
Suntigers have a reputation for being fast, vicious multiple biters. We saw none of these characteristics once he was out on Leon's hand. He must have some magical calming power over T's or something. There's only one challenge waiting for him yet.... to hold Sanchez, my loony bin of a
B. vagans.