So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Sounds like she's heavily premoult - if she isn't a big hair kicker you won't really notice any darkening of the abdomen :)
Just keep her warmth and humidity as normal, and try not to disturb her. Larger tarantulas become very inactive before a moult.
As a sidenote, my other two smaller Ts are totally fine, and they are in small plastic less ventilated containers, they seem unaffected by the journey.
Sounds like she's heavily premoult - if she isn't a big hair kicker you won't really notice any darkening of the abdomen

Great, I hope so. Her abdomen is looking a lot larger than it was also.
Originally posted by Werewolf
He looks a tad round ;)

To be honest, Tom my B.smithi is something of a food dustbin. When I feed my other T's, the food stays in the tank for 24 hours. If it is still there the next day it goes in with Tom. He does like to eat, I have to be honest. They'll probably have to use a crane to move him one day, a bit like something off the Jerry Springer show ;)


Yes, that's exactly the kind of thing I meant. Except Tom isn't clockwork and he doesn't keep falling to pieces ;)

I was thinking of this guy, not the red one (weren't the red ones the bad guys?):

sorry for the OT post

yes the reds where the bad guys, led by the great Krarrrrk (big budgie) and the Stegasaurus type thing (i think there was also a sort of "flatbed" snake that was meant to be a scavenger)

i've got about a dozen built up at the moment (including 3 flying ones attacking my Linkits case)
Well I've been a little busy moving back home from uni and getting a job recently, but I thought I should give a brief update on my T's before I go to work this morning. In the past week I've had FIVE moults!!

First my Avicularia purpurea (12/06), then José (13/06), followed by Zuila (15/06), Sanchez (16/06) and Zico (17/06).

Sanchez was quite a suprising moult, as I wasn't expecting him to shed for another week or so yet. He hasn't kicked any hairs, so I was unaware of his abdomen changing colour. I also hadn't bothered feeding him for 2 weeks because he was a tad on the tubby side. He's grown tonnes and I'd estimate he's about 4"ish long. I've not caught him full stretched out yet though so I can't be sure. I think it's time for a new tank though. He's an absolutely beautiful T.


Shortly after I got him out to take some pics, he started pulling up his moulting web. He does this everytime, something I've not seen any of my other T's do. Strange creature.


After moulting at the weekend, Zuila has definately turned from brown to jet black. He's stunning! And no threat poses whilst I was taking this either, which was quite a shock!



You can't see on these photos, but I've noticed some small light-coloured spots on his abdomen which aren't symmetrical. I've never seen them on any other P. irminia photos before, so perhaps he has some kind of genetic defect. I'm not sure.

Oh and here's a pic of freshly moulted José doing what curly hairs do best.... looking silly, oh and eating. He's grown a fair amount too. I'll certainly be powerfeeding him so he can play catch-up with Leon's Miguel!


Zico pics to come later because I'm late for work. "sorry I was late boss, I was posting pics of my tarantulas on an internet forum."
Isn't he just!

Right, here are the pictures of his royal gorgeousness, master Zico. Unfortunately he's now losing his gorgeous abdomen stripes, but they're still there extremely faintly. He's turned from bottle green to a more bluey green, and his pink toes are stunning. Took me a while to get him out for some pics because he was still very hidey.


Even then he only came out briefly, and stayed all huddled up with his knees close to his body in "i'm a small spider, don't eat me" pose


.. before disappearing down the other entrance to his web. You can see his abdomen stripes here, barely visible now. Shame.


Fortunately, when I got him this afternoon, he was back to sitting at the top of his web, so I managed to coax him out onto my hand for a photoshoot. I can't believe how much he's grown. And he still walks all silly with his legs in the air.

Expecting my Mexican Red Knee within the next month :D I'm waiting until i'm moved and everything is sorted as i want to take time looking after it. It'd be neglected if i was to get it now due to the amount going on :o

Sanchez is looking lovely.


oooohhhh!!!! check this out :D Is anyone going :)

Upcoming show: Lincoln Invert Show. 7th September 2003, North Kesteven Centre, Lincoln. More details nearer the time.
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I'll definitely be going. My Aunty and Uncle used to live right over the road from there so I'll have no trouble finding it (unlike the BTS show).

Probably won't be as big as the BTS one, but hey, any oppurtunity to buy new T's is alright with me:D
Originally posted by DHR
Expecting my Mexican Red Knee within the next month :D I'm waiting until i'm moved and everything is sorted as i want to take time looking after it. It'd be neglected if i was to get it now due to the amount going on :o

Sanchez is looking lovely.


oooohhhh!!!! check this out :D Is anyone going :)

As long as I'm not doing something vital I'll probably be there - there's another show in October I think.

Si, have you (or anyone else who reads Arachnopets) been following the H. gigas project?

The results have been fascinating, and I'm really tempted. The only drawback being you rarely see adult H gigas for sale, and when you do they are pricey.
Originally posted by Lopéz

Si, have you (or anyone else who reads Arachnopets) been following the H. gigas project?

Yes, I have. In fact I gave it a shameless bump today to get it back to the top. I spent my lunchbreak browsing the net for a reasonable sized one. All I could find was a 20mm sling for £10. I might get one of those anyway and keep looking. Perhaps he'd go swimming in his waterdish:p
Here's the lowdown.

The spiders are unsexed

The spiders are all sub-adult (very nearly full grown)

If female, you have got a spider for 15 years or so

If male, you have it for just over a year, but it can be bred, and you will walk away with 50% of any resulting spiderlings.

They are on a special "Buy 3 for £40" so they all have to go to one address obviously.
Postage is £7.50 on top, making the base price of each spider £15.83.
This is extremely cheap for large H gigas.
To post each spider out would cost £5 Special Delivery.

This makes the cost of each tarantula £20.83, which is still the cheapest I've seen them.

I'd be happy to buy and redistribute them - for the main reason that these are mean beasts, which will be a serious handful to pack and send.

Balls in your court guys...

(PS something like this would probably normally be classed as "bulk buying" but as we are dealing with something rather specialist and wholly unrelated to OcUK as a business I think it can be allowed - I'll double check with Spie)
Its tempting, but I think I'll have to do some reading up on them. I'm not sure whether I'm ready for an agressive one yet.
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