Well I've been a little busy moving back home from uni and getting a job recently, but I thought I should give a brief update on my T's before I go to work this morning. In the past week I've had
FIVE moults!!
First my Avicularia purpurea (12/06), then José (13/06), followed by Zuila (15/06), Sanchez (16/06) and Zico (17/06).
Sanchez was quite a suprising moult, as I wasn't expecting him to shed for another week or so yet. He hasn't kicked any hairs, so I was unaware of his abdomen changing colour. I also hadn't bothered feeding him for 2 weeks because he was a tad on the tubby side. He's grown tonnes and I'd estimate he's about 4"ish long. I've not caught him full stretched out yet though so I can't be sure. I think it's time for a new tank though. He's an absolutely beautiful T.
Shortly after I got him out to take some pics, he started pulling up his moulting web. He does this everytime, something I've not seen any of my other T's do. Strange creature.
After moulting at the weekend, Zuila has definately turned from brown to jet black. He's stunning! And no threat poses whilst I was taking this either, which was quite a shock!
You can't see on these photos, but I've noticed some small light-coloured spots on his abdomen which aren't symmetrical. I've never seen them on any other
P. irminia photos before, so perhaps he has some kind of genetic defect. I'm not sure.
Oh and here's a pic of freshly moulted José doing what curly hairs do best.... looking silly, oh and eating. He's grown a fair amount too. I'll certainly be powerfeeding him so he can play catch-up with Leon's Miguel!
Zico pics to come later because I'm late for work. "sorry I was late boss, I was posting pics of my tarantulas on an internet forum."