So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Man, god yeh am beyond wasted lmao. 3 o clock or something. TBHi'm sure i dont want one now cuase i am drunk amd have decided against it.

sleep well

my b smithi is on the way a t moment.

Whaoo, held one of my Ts for the first time. Was showing my brother them and my B.Smithi Tequila seemed quite calm and walked up the side of the container, so I put my hand to the side and she climbed right on. Had a walk around and then stopped.

We were thinking that I imagine with how sensitive to vibration they are that they must be able to feel the blood pumping through the veins in my hand.

With the container being so small, it proved a challange to get her back in, as obviously I dont want to just throw her off my hand and back in. We had to resort to getting a piece of card, however she kept strolling the wrong direction towards the container, after some failed attempts she finally got back in.

Was really cool though, even in their small size you can still feel their little feet plodding around. :p :D
Just as I was getting annoyed that my Costa Rican Zebra hadn't arrived (the postie had already been & he usually brings the small to medium sized parcels too) there was another knock on the door & guess who arrived :D

(No it wasn't the spider knocking :p)

I've put her in her new home & am gonna let her warm up whilst I go back to bed and get some more sleep. I think I've judged the tank size ok - it's an Aquazoo3 from Easy Exotics - it's about 2x her legspan by 3x her leg span.


Pics will follow as soon as I borrow a cam again :)
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Originally posted by Nexus
Whaoo, held one of my Ts for the first time. Was showing my brother them and my B.Smithi Tequila seemed quite calm and walked up the side of the container, so I put my hand to the side and she climbed right on. Had a walk around and then stopped.

We were thinking that I imagine with how sensitive to vibration they are that they must be able to feel the blood pumping through the veins in my hand.

With the container being so small, it proved a challange to get her back in, as obviously I dont want to just throw her off my hand and back in. We had to resort to getting a piece of card, however she kept strolling the wrong direction towards the container, after some failed attempts she finally got back in.

Was really cool though, even in their small size you can still feel their little feet plodding around. :p :D
It's always pretty exciting holding one of your spiders for the first time, no matter how large or small they are.
Once they stop on your hand it can be seriously tricky to get them to move again - Kate's Rio and Jez are extremely stubborn and absolutely refuse to budge without literally shoving them off your hand.
Originally posted by Repo
Just as I was getting annoyed that my Costa Rican Zebra hadn't arrived (the postie had already been & he usually brings the small to medium sized parcels too) there was another knock on the door & guess who arrived :D
(No it wasn't the spider knocking :p)
I've put her in her new home & am gonna let her warm up whilst I go back to bed and get some more sleep. I think I've judged the tank size ok - it's an Aquazoo3 from Easy Exotics - it's about 2x her legspan by 3x her leg span.
Pics will follow as soon as I borrow a cam again :)
Glad she's finally arrived.
What's the colouring like? Some A seemanni are a chocolate brown, others are almost jet black with bold white stripes. The colouring varies immensely from one individual to the next.
She's jet black with a sort of dusty texture; the markings are a dark cream/fawn colour. The mouth parts are the standard blood red & the fangs look exactly like something you definately would not want to have being sunk into you...

I've a feeling these Aquazoo's have too many ventilation slots & the water vapour is escaping too quickly... I'll be hunting for a hydrogmeter today I think, even if they only give a rough idea of humidity.
If you're worried about humidity, cover the walm end of the tank with clingfilm between the top of the container and the lid. I did it with a couple of mine when I was worried about humidity and it definately worked. You can cover 3/4 of the tank if humidity is really a problem, but I'm not sure how humid seemani's like it.

Get some pics asap, I really want to see!!:)
A few random pics:

Someone sure is thirsty, hehe



Not a Tarantula, but I found this beast in my parents garage



Is this an egg sack?

Originally posted by Nexus
A few random pics:

Someone sure is thirsty, hehe


LOL, I find mine doing that sometimes :D

Originally posted by Nexus
Is this an egg sack?

Yes. I open one of those when I was a kid, and there were loads of little eggs in there. Quite a big spider, that! I've been called down to remove 3 since I got home last week... since I've started collecting T's, I've been given the official title of chief spider removal officer... my family are a bunch of wimps! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Lostkat
If you're worried about humidity, cover the walm end of the tank with clingfilm between the top of the container and the lid. I did it with a couple of mine when I was worried about humidity and it definately worked. You can cover 3/4 of the tank if humidity is really a problem, but I'm not sure how humid seemani's like it.

Get some pics asap, I really want to see!!:)

Will try and borrow a digicam asap.

The cling film sounds like a great idea, thanks. I think my Tigerrump's tank is a bit too dry too; so will give it a go with both :)

Seemani's like 75-80% humidity or so I've read but I've no idea what that really means in practice :doh:

Grrrrr... two garden centres and one sandwich shop later...

Results = 1 tuna salad on french, 1 egg custard, no hygometer.

Collective staff intelligence (of all three places) = equivalent to one small baboon :mad:

Now I know why I shop so much on the internet :rolleyes:

Back to Easy Exotics I think, seeing as Les sent me an email to tell me when my last order was being deliverd AND he was right AND the stuff came just 2 days after I ordered it.

/end rant
Came home this afternoon to find my Cobalt Blue, Bangkok, has moulted at last.

More exciting is the fact that he has totally changed colour!


Check out the blue sheen on each leg


This will get darker and more prominent over time


Oh - and I do NOT reccommend you attempt to handle this species, for your own safety!
lol, until I read the last comment, I was just amazed that you were even holding it!

I don't know if there is one near you, but I believe Maplin sell some hydrometers. There is a digital one which also has a thermometer with a probe that you can place inside the tank to monitor both inside and outside temp/humid.
Couple more pics I forgot to post last week:

Guarico - can't believe how much this one has grown lately



For scale, Winston (note the similarity between Winston and Guarico, who are both from the same genus)



And one of Pele also for scale:

Lopéz you're mental!!!!! You're going to get bit soon lmao, you sure have some nerve lol!!!!!

You in my book sir, are a serious nutter. Bring on the men in white coats :p
T's are moulting like it's going out of fashion here, and every single one of my T's has moulted within the last 2 weeks. That's mental! I stopped feeding them all about 3 weeks ago because they were all chubby, and it looks like this must have sent them all into premoult.

Zico has hardened off nicely and is back on the food again, he's turned a more bluey colour now and his abdomen stripes have all but vanished now he's hardened. He's absolutely beautiful, still one of my favourite T's. I had him out to show the family today and he was jumping from one hand to the other. It's amazing to watch and he's so fast. I'll try and get it as a movie next time Leon's around.



Rio FINALLY moulted yesterday after what seems like forever in premoult. She's grown a fair bit in length but is still incredibly lanky and hasn't bulked out at all. This is an indication that she's going to be one hell of a mahoosive T when she's fully grown - around 8" or more.. erk!


Tachira moulted today after just 3 weeks! This is amazing, as he's hardly a tiny spider. Power feeding must be working. His legs have bright blue flecks on them now and his carapace has turned from gold to a greenish colour.


Originally posted by DHR
Lopéz you're mental!!!!! You're going to get bit soon lmao, you sure have some nerve lol!!!!!

You in my book sir, are a serious nutter. Bring on the men in white coats :p

They've already been and gone, probably didn't know what to do with him either:p

You both have some gorgeous pets there, I told Sparki's family today that I wanted one and they all think I'm crazy:(
Originally posted by DirtyMinx
You both have some gorgeous pets there, I told Sparki's family today that I wanted one and they all think I'm crazy:(

They'll come round. My family think I'm crazy too, but the grandparents are over at the moment, so I took some of the T's downstairs to do a kind of show and tell for them. They were actually really interested, even my grandad who hates spiders. The more questions they asked, and the more information I gave them, the more they seemed to understand why I want to keep these creatures. Everyone even had a hold of Zico :) My mum, who yells at the sight of a house spider even has a 'favourite' T now!

To be honest though, I don't care what people think. I've told one person at work and they gave the classic 'urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh' response and weren't even prepared to listen, so I don't think I'll bother even going there with anyone else at work. They’re all pretty narrow-minded.

I think my T's are awesome. I'm so glad that Leon got me into them and is just as interested as me. At the end of the day, that's all that matters :)

It is of unknown genus, and small and brown, i found it on the wall of the lounge.

It was originally going to be food for Tie-Bar (my mantis) but i liked the look of the little fella, and he went into a tank i had setup or a new mantis when i get round to buying one.

Still, he settled in nicely, webbed up a corner, and i dropped a fly in there for when he gets peckish :)



Nice one - I never kill house spiders.. but I don;t think I'd put one in a tank for show ;)

For a moment I thought you were a recruit to the T brigade :p
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