So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Considering your Boehmei is the same sizeish as mine, I found that it took about 3 weeks to moult after it darkened.

My little slings are taking ages to grow. Shiva last moulted at the end of May, and Tequila the start of June. Neither of them seem to be eating for the last couple of weeks, but still no moults from them. I decided to put a heat mat back in place in hope that keeping them at a higher temp might speed their metabolism up. They certainly seem to be spending most of their time near the heatmat side.
Piccy update time :D

Frida doing naff all as usual:

I think my Tiggerump is up for a moult soon - has gone off his/her food and is webbing quite a bit:
And this is the business end of my still-as-yet-unname Pinktoe:

For something with fangs like these & for something as quick to kill as this Avic; s/he is the only one I feel comfortable enough to handle :) (only done it twice though)


This one with a 10p piece for scale :)

It's finally happened. My T has flipped over.
This is my first ever moult!!!

I've been so looking forward to this.

No sleep for me tonight.

Pictures to follow.

:D :D :D :D :D
Re: OH MY GOD!!!!

Originally posted by azrael357
It's finally happened. My T has flipped over.
This is my first ever moult!!!

I've been so looking forward to this.

No sleep for me tonight.

Pictures to follow.

:D :D :D :D :D
Get them up soon dude!!
Feeding time at the zoo!!! :p

More pics whilst I've got the loan of a digital camera:

Frida eating for only the second time ever since I got her... although she has got three mealworms stuck in her gob here!


And once again my A.Avic stuffing it's face. S/he caught this literally 1 second after I'd put the crick in... so fast in fact I hadn't even closed the lid yet! This crick went with a very audible crunch :eek:
Really nice colour form of A. seemanni you have there Repo (they vary from spider to spider quite a lot)

Bangkok, my Haplopelma lividum moulted again today - so I used the opportunity to clean his tank out and take some fresh pictures. The blue is now very obvious in daylight, even more so under a desklamp.






This is the first sign of any genuine defensiveness I've seen from him - he went up into athreat posture while I was trying to rehouse him. Not that he's going to do any damage with those soft white fangs mind you!
The moult went fine.

The T looks a lot bigger now. I've popped in a cricket now a few days have passed but so far it's been ignored.

Since the molt the T has been in it's burrow facing inwards. It has moved some subtrate out of the burrow so it seems okay.

I've just bought a new 12 by 6 inch terrarium that I'll move the T into.

Still can't tell what sex it is as the skin has dried and the abdomen was all shrivelled up (doh!)

Once I've got my main PC sorted I'll put up some pics.
PC is now almost sorted.

Here are the pics of my T's moult.

Well it was Friday morning about 2am and I looked in on my T to see this...


Well I was well excited so decided to stay up and watch.
After an hour without the T moving I dozed off.
Low and behold 2 hours later a I awoke and....TA DA!!!


You can see one little white fang.
Well today I moved the T into a new tank of a more suitable size and soon after the T was on the side offering a great photo opportunity.


Now can anyone tell what sex this T is from these pics. The abdomen size is a bit misleading as it hasn't eaten anything since moulting.

I've now placed the heatmat on the back of the tank rather than underneath it. Should it coved the whole of the back or just part of it?

Since putting my T in the new tank it spends most of the time on the walls. Before the moult it was mostly in the burrow. Is this normal???



Colouring on the T is amazing and I can;t believe the change in size.
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Since putting my T in the new tank it spends most of the time on the walls. Before the moult it was mostly in the burrow. Is this normal???

Looks very nice, I'd say its about a moult ahead of mine. I found that it spent about 3 weeks spending its time in the burrow and hardly moving. Since it moulted about a month ago it is regularly climbing on its plants and the sides of the tank.

How do you find the temperment of yours? I'd like to try and handle mine but it seems pretty quick, and always runs away at the slightest touch of a paint brush.
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