So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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A little worried about my three at the moment. The temp has really dropped the last few days hasn't it. Basically all three of them have started heading to the back of their jars towards the heat mat, so i decided to check how warm it actuall was. Turned out to be pretty cold to tell you the truth.

I was thinking of getting a larger tank for all three of them, putting all three jars in the tank with the lid on, and then putting the heat mat inside so the large tank and surounding areas would keep in the warmth, what do u think?
Originally posted by si_sleaf
How big is your Chile rose, by the way? Congrats on the handling, too. My Curly and my Chile rose are the only ones I ever handle.
I've never actually measured her but I guess around 5.5 - 6 inches.
It's been a while but here's a few pics of my Boehmei who is doing really well at the moment.



I'm looking to buy a 1.5" to 2" Usambara this Saturday.
Asking price is £20. Amazing looking T.
Originally posted by fab5
How many more times is this thread going to be bumped deliberately?

i don't see any bumping, it's getting replies but no blatent "bump" posts that i can see.

this has got to be possibly the most interesting thread i've seen in GD for a long long time, and it shows in the number of replies and the thought put into a lot of the posts here.

it's certainly helping me get over a bit of a fear of spiders :)

If you don't like the thread, there is no need for you to read it, or post in it.
Originally posted by hsp70
i might go, depending on time contraints.

is anyone going to get a bluefang t ar brums? i couldn't resist :D

You haven't got it yet have you??? Drop Leon an email asap if you've not already paid etc. for it. :)

On a bit of a mixed note, one of my spiders got his death sentence today. Zuila, my P. irminia has moulted out into a spindley male. I suspected he was male anyway but was expecting a few more moults out of him yet. As you can see from the pic, the bulbs on the end of the pedipalps are obvious and he's lost his jet black colouring to a tawny brown. He also has tibial hooks, which I will try and photograph tonight. So, my little £3 spider has a year at the most :( But I'll be sending him out on 'lady' duty so hopefully I'll get some of his offspring eventually :)

Originally posted by hsp70

is anyone going to get a bluefang t ar brums? i couldn't resist :D
No, I'm getting mine direct from Holland at a third of the price ;)
Just reserved an adult female for just £10 more than those spiderlings!

Kate, Zuila should now become calmer in temperament - males are generally pretty timid.
Advertise him on - it's German but you can click for an English version, it's a very busy message board for tarantula buying and selling.
Woke again to find my three little ones pinned to the wall closet the heatmat, is there and way of ensuring the atmosphere it hotter now the temperature is dropping :( (read the post a bit further up to get what i'm on about).
My spiderlings arrived this morning courtesy of Sven. All 5 are safe and sound and are really small apart from the P.Cambridgei which moulted in transit. I've had a good look, fortunately all looks fine with him/her and it’s 3 times the size of the others at just over 1 inch.

I’ll get some photos up in the next few days once they are all housed and settled in!

@ DHR, Yeah I've also have noticed my L.Parahybana has started to hug the side where the heat mat is located. I'm not too worried at the moment and once my other 2 tanks are setup they should hopefully create enough heat between them. If your worried I guess you could try putting the mat inside the tank to see if the temps improve but keep an eye to make sure it doesn’t get too hot in there..
If you're worried about temps (all mine arefine with just one big heatmat) then you can put all the tanks into a wooden cabinet, with the heat mat inside the cabinet.
Well I know that males are supposed to get docile with their ultimate moult but I really didn't think that it'd happen to Zuila. Just yesterday he was up on his back legs gnashing his fangs at me like mad. So, I decided to see if he had indeed turned a wuss on me or was still his old angsty self. The result speaks for itself;


He let me handle him absolutely no problems without so much as a raised leg :) He really hasn't grown that much when you compare abdomens, but his legs have about doubled in length. He's so spindley and lanky now.

I was also pleased to find out that he's not brown at all, he's a beautiful dark pine green. He really is very pretty indeed and his abdomen has green chevrons on it. Such a change from his last moult in which he turned jet black. I can't believe the difference.

I noticed that he's lost a leg in the moult too, but hopefully it won't be a problem. Tarantulas often lose legs and can manage just fine without one. His gorgeous green footpads are no longer either so he's now awful at climbing, but apparently it happens to all males (of this species at least).


Oh and I managed to get a shot of one of his tibial spurs, used to hold the female's fangs out of the way whilst he's trying to do his business.

hey, lovely T, Lostkat. What species? I'd say it was an a.metallica at a guess?

PS. b.auratum and a.metallica in the post now, should get here Friday. 8)


Originally posted by George
hey, lovely T, Lostkat. What species? I'd say it was an a.metallica at a guess?

PS. b.auratum and a.metallica in the post now, should get here Friday. 8)



Couldn't be more wrong mate, he's a P. irminia, one of the most distinctive T's around. The markings are unmistakable. :p
Originally posted by George
hey, lovely T, Lostkat. What species? I'd say it was an a.metallica at a guess?

PS. b.auratum and a.metallica in the post now, should get here Friday. 8)


Did Sven give you a free auratum as recompense? He didn't have to of course, I'm just interested that's all.

Kate's spider is a Psalmopoeus irminia (male)
Look closely at the tarsus (final leg section) which is orange striped. This is not present in Avicularia spp.
Yea, I saw that, really nice spider. 8)

Lopez: He did indeed, he offered to if I made another order, so I bought the a.metallica and got the replacement free of charge. :D

Getting hold of a male & female p.metallica could be an amazing business plan. ;)

Originally posted by Lopéz
No, I'm getting mine direct from Holland at a third of the price ;)
Just reserved an adult female for just £10 more than those spiderlings!

Kate, Zuila should now become calmer in temperament - males are generally pretty timid.
Advertise him on - it's German but you can click for an English version, it's a very busy message board for tarantula buying and selling.

Oh heck... I just went and got the postal orders (not posted off yet) for a blue fang sling :( Serves me right for not coming in here for a few days :rolleyes:
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