Laruel (my a.versicolor) molted last night.
He's been premoult for ages, I knew this by:
a) He's been off his food for a while, been leaving crickets, if they annoyed him, he just killed it.
b) He's been living at the bottom of his home, which is very unlike him or his species.
c) He's not been as responsive or bothered etc.
He had created a web off the cork bark to the side, so when he moulted he was suspended in the air, which I though was weired? but maybe it's different for arboreals.
Last night, I was just going to jump into bed, then I checked on my T's, and there he was, upside down, on top of his web, with half a new body out. I sprayed a little bit of water incase he needed it for the rest of the moult.
This morning, I excitedly jumped out of bed and checked him again, he was all fine, and his old skin was a few inches behind him in a heap, so I got it out.
It's in pretty bad condition, all the legs are in the wrong places etc, but it's too small to be messing around with.
He's growed quite a bit, but not as much as people were making out.
I'll put him back on food in about 2 days.