Originally posted by Lopéz
So si, do we get a full review on the invert show? Any bigwigs there? And when are you starting the H gigas project?
H gigas project? Perhaps when my gigas is big enough, I'll give it a go but it ain't happenin' for a while yet. My gigas is currently about 1/2" sized so I'd have to put him in with sea monkeys
Not so sure if there were any bigwigs there, I saw some people with giantspiders.com that were there. There were loads of T stand but to be honest I thought some of them were a bit overpriced. They were asking £15-£20 for B smithis that were only about 1 1/2" which I thought was a bit steep. I wanted to get an adult male to try breeding with my female but they were out of my price range. There were also some Theraphosa blondis there but they were also pretty expensive for the size they were. I think they were about £20 for a 1 1/2" spider. I'd like one just for the sheer size they reach but at the end of the day it's only a big brown spider. If they were colourful T's like Brachypelma and Avics then I might have got one but like I said, just a big brown spider. I was after an avic but I didn't see any there. There was a real big Salmon pink (about 8.5 inches!) but I couldn't see any price on it and it was in a display tank so I guess it wasn't for sale. There were also stands with scorpions (mainly Emporer scorp's like Lopez's) and also stands with some fantastic looking stick insects, some fruit beetles and lots of millipedes.
Did you see that show on bbc1 last week about people with unusual pets? Well the people with the meerkat were there selling things. My friend Julian took a photo of my girlfriend and the meerkat which I will show you when he emails it to me. I bought an aquarium for my P regalis from them as the small petpal it's been living in has gotten a bit small now.
I also bought a mantid from one of the stands. I've wanted one for a while since I saw Malty's video of his. The girl who was selling them runs the
www.mantisuk.com website. It's a Giant Asian mantis. When it's fully grown it will look like this:
It's a good eater and has eaten two small crickets so far today. I won't take a photo of my mantis just yet because it is still very small, about 1" in length. There were loads of other mantids there too, some of them really incredble looking. My favourites were the Malaysian Orchid mantis:
and the Wandering Violin mantis:
Anyway, I had a good time even if I was only there for less than an hour. My friend Julian and my girlfriend Fiona aren't into exotic pets and were more interested in getting to Pizza Hut that I had promised to pay for if Julian drove.
I'll take a picture of the new tank I got for my P regalis and post it later after my camera batteries have charged up.