So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Well, a few things to sort out here thismorning as usual :D
Most stuff's been basically covered, but here's a re-cap.

Originally posted by hsp70
btw. lopez, am i right in thinking only the female suntigers are a dark black? the male is a more browny colour?
Nope, all P irminia are black with orange markings. The P cabridgei of the same genus is a lot duller - brown and olive markings.

Originally posted by SaBBz
How much would it be to start off one of these as that is a beautiful spider. I mean for the tank etc etc

Many thanks.
Heat mat - £5-£15
Tank - £5-£10 (you can keep baby babies in a polystyrene coffee cup though)
Peat/vermiculite substrate - £4 or so
Tarantula - £3-£15 for a baby, depending on availability/ease of breeding/desirability.

The P irminia is indeed a gorgeous tarantula. Not aggressive as such, but extremely nervy and prone to doing a runner - and when they do decide to bite, it tends to be multiple. You're looking at being tagged 5 or 6 times before you realise, and that is going to hurt a lot.
I wouldn't get one as a first species, not by a long shot.

Originally posted by Nexus
What's the temperment like on the Avicularia versicolor?
Very docile and gentle, but timid and therefore a bit nervous like all Avicularia spiders. They jump if frightened (usually away from you, and downwards) so you need to be gentle if you are going to hold it. Not an aggressive spider at all - I don't think I've ever seen an Avic go into the "threat" position.

This website gives a good idea on how "n00b friendly" most species found as pets are.

Green = good for beginners
Yellow = intermediate
Red = experienced keepers only
Almost forgot!

After over a week of sulking and generally not doing a lot, Idi was showing the other classic premoult signs - swollen abdomen despite not eating, and faded markings.

Came home this morning to find the little oik has moulted overnight.

One freshly moulted, bright gold Idi:


Note his regenerated leg (the regenerated leg is the front left - folded back slightly under his body - it was missing before the moult)
The new leg is still floppy, small, and not 100% functional - it might even drop off again at some stage. It normally takes at least 3 moults for a leg to regenerate properly so I'm not too concerned

And here's the old skin:


Although not a great deal larger, his legs arenow far chunkier - more like Mugabe's. If he doesn't start growing soon Miguel will overtake him!
Originally posted by Master Skooter
Leon, a little bit off topic.......but what's the spec of ur digicam mate?

I'm having a mare getting a decent pic of my Mantid.
Fuji FinePix A204, basically the newer version of the 2600 Zoom.

Here's how I get my macro shots:

1) Set camera to auto-everything, 2MP, Macro

2) Get about 4 inches from the spider

3) Shine a bright, direct light (like a small torch) onto the spider - without this it's too dark to autofocus.

4) It should make a small beep when you half depress the shutter button if it's focused.

5) Sorted

Taking shots through glass is a bit trickier as you generally have to angle the camera so the flash bounces off the glass at an angle.
Originally posted by Pinhead
would someone mind telling how the hell you clean vermiculite substrate properly?
It goes 'clingy' and nasty if it gets wet
Pour vermiculite into tank, spray lightly with water to prevent dust, and that's about it.
Vermiculite is almost completely sterile and it's inorganic too.
I used to change it in my Chile Rose tank every 6 months or so.
Just to let those of you following the thread, Idi has gained full control of his "regenerated" limb after a few hours rest.
Within a couple of moults it will be indistinguishable from the others - for now it still looks a little withered.

As he and Mugabe have been unusually active today, I thought I'd take the opportunity to please all the picture fans



As you can see, his abdomen has picked up rich chocolate brown markings, and his carapace starburst is almost olive green in colour. Unlike Mugabe, his feet pads are more of a pale blue than green.

As for size, he hasn't grown a great deal in this moult - infact, I'd say Miguel was bigger than Idi now! Mugabe is far larger and lankier than either of them, as shown in these pics:


Really chuffed with this shot - it shows his eyes in full detail, as well as being an all round good shot of the spider. You really need to see it full-size.


Underside is equally impressive. He's a lanky beast, and I'd not want to get on the business end of those fangs.


Just for scale. (Note scaredy-cat pane of glass between spider and hand)
That's as close as I'll ever get to handling this spitting ball of orange hellfire.
Originally posted by Bobcat
Just read from start to finish and WOW :D What an excelent thread.

I had a Chile Rose a few years ago (Female) from the local pet shop (no idea on age but she was not small) and within a few weeks of having her she created this large ball like web thing, well me being curious had to touch it........Bad Move.

The misterious ball of web turned out to contain lots and lots and lots of eggs, she did not take kindly to me touching it and ransacked the tank and ripped open the sack and spread the contents (eggs) around the tank, obviously they all died, it was a BIG mistake for me to touch the sack, a real shame, i was gutted that i had meddled.

I did not think that she would have been having babies me not long getting it from the pet shop but i was mistaken, very odd, unless she was captured in the wild without my knowlege ? or bread in the pet shop ?

Anyway, as others have said keep the pictures coming as it is really interesting.


You do not want to disturb a female with an eggsac - they defend them to the death, and will often destroy the eggs if disturbed or stressed out.

Out of interest, did the spider come from a shop in Pontardawe?
The owner was attempting to breed a few of his Chilean rose tarantulas, but assumed the attempts had failed when the spiders produced no eggs. HE then sold the tarantulas - they may well have been gravid!

On the other hand, as Kate points out, the spider may have been imported in a gravid state (this is how many breeding projects actually get started)
Originally posted by Repo
I am gonna have to stop reading this thread as it's making me want to get one (have always liked spiders) :cool:

The kids would like it, but I reckon the GF would do her nut :rolleyes: :p
Believe it or not my mother is scared stiff of spiders - always has been since she was young.
But she know's they're in tanks and going nowhere so she doesn't mind them so much.

Unfortunately I'm not getting my new additions until next week :( as the dealer is working early shifts until then.
I need my babies!
Originally posted by iam
These eggsack thingies... surely you'd have to destroy it anyway otherwise you'll have hundreds of T's on your hands? :confused:
That's generally the idea of breeding them. ;)

Of course if you don't want babies then you're best off getting a pet shop to take the sac from you - I'm sure they won't say no to 300 spiderlings which will be sold for a fiver a pop.....
Originally posted by SaBBz
Should be getting one soon :D

Once I know what species I want how do I go about finding a breeder?

Thanks :)
Hi SaBBz

There are quite a few reputable dealers selling tarantulas. Your best bet is to make a shortlist of say, 5 spiders you really like, post them here, and I can have a scan through my Spider Favourites folder and see who's got what in stock for you.

Also, are you looking for an adult or a spiderling?
Avicularia ppecies (Guyana Pinktoe)
Most likely just Avicularia avicularia, the first tarantula ever scientifically described. Hardy, docile tree-dwellers, very gentle and a little nervous. Extremely pretty spider but you won't see it much - they generally only come out to drink and feed.

Brachypelma auratum (Mexican Flame Leg)
As with all Brachypelma, generally shy, docile and slow moving. Very hardy, long-lived, easy to look after. Some have a tendancy to flick hairs, but to be honest that isn't the end of the world.

Grammostola rosea (Chile Rose)
Another extremely hardy and long lived spider, normally super docile too. The only thing that I will say about them is they have the strangest feeding habits, often going for long periods without food (my own adult female has not eaten since august)

Avicularia metallica (Metallic Pinktoe, Whitetoe)
What a beauty. Rarely available in this country, and IMO not honestly worth the money as a normal Avicularia avicularia is very similar and cheaper/easy to look after.

Avicularia braunshauseni (Goliath Pinktoe)
Big beast of a spider, same general habits as all other Avicularia. Never seen them in the UK myself, and I think they're a bit bland in all honesty.

Also really like the Brachypelma vagans (Mexican red rump) and they are £1.50 each! :)
Bargain price for another very pretty, hardy and docile ground dweller. These like to burrow so give them plenty of substrate to dig in.
The Edge
Chilean Rose have been known to go without food for over 24 months. Water, however, is utterly essential.

As suggested, David Blades is a good trader and experienced breeder. Only problem with Chile rose at the moment is most seem to be wild caught adults - nobody seems to be breeding the little blighters. :(

C fasciatum is a very pretty spider indeed. Most seem to be calm and shy. This is a pretty small tarantula mind you, a lot of them won't get over 3 inches in legspan.
Originally posted by SaBBz
David Blades has Chile Rose slings for £5 :)

I think I would like the flame leg as opposed to the red rump, any idea where I can get a flame leg sling?

Thanks a lot for all the help :)

I've found B auratum (Flame Knee/Leg) at this site:

They have adults, spiderlings, and juveniles - I'd personally go for the juveniles at £25 and ask for it to be sexed (you want a female)

The store listed above is a little pricey - generally 10 - 20 % overpriced IMO compared to other online stores.
It is, however, the only place I can find that currently has B auratum in stock - and remember, a fully grown adult auratum can command prices up to £100.
Originally posted by SaBBz
So you would recommend a juvenile female Flame knee and a spiderling chile rose?
I think that both are ideal starter spiders, yes. :)

The B auratum will probably be a touch more jumpy than the Chile rose. Always gauge your pets' mood before you try to hold it. Don't want a finger being mistaken for a snack ;)

You don't see B auratum for sale very often, I assume they don't get bred much (hence the price is slightly higher than B smithi/ B boehmei/ B emilia)
Originally posted by Lostkat
Not far off actually werewolf. It was a Boots tub of those little cotton wool bud sticks. Perfect for a baby arboreal I thought. Didn't come complete with peat, bark and ventilation holes though ;)
Those Avicularias are soooo vain.
I think a cricket box is too "low" - Avicularias can get very stressed if they cannot climb.

So I rigged up this for now:


As soon as the postie arrives I'm popping out to try and get a new one though - this particular petpal was the one Pepper arrived in over 10 years ago! :p
Well, I've deduced that I have a Blue Flea and a Sort-of-orange Flea.

Both are hyperactive as hell, but in differnet ways. The Blue Flea never stops moving but walks slowly, and the Orange Flea doesn't move much, but when it does it goes at the speed of light.

I've put both in cricket boxes for now - ideally I need something the size of a multi-vitamin tub but clear plastic, ideally with a screw top. I'll have to see what I can source tomorrow.

For now, here are the pics. These things are so small that the Macro mode is being pushed to the absolute limit here.



Now they just need names.
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