Well the Blue Flea has been given a name.
These tarantulas come from Martinique Island, in the Caribbean, which is under French rule (boo, hiss) so I wanted to pick something that was French - maybe Jean Paul, Pierre, Bernard?
Nah, nothing like that took my fancy, so I chose my favourite French word from school: Oiseau Oiseau is also French for "bird" which is where the "Avicularia" part of the spider's latin name comes from
So here is Oiseau in his new home:
Photographing them at this tiny stage is nigh-on impossible to be honest.
Oiseau has already munched the tiny cricket I gave him - hopefully he'll start looking like a real tarantula in a few months
These tarantulas come from Martinique Island, in the Caribbean, which is under French rule (boo, hiss) so I wanted to pick something that was French - maybe Jean Paul, Pierre, Bernard?
Nah, nothing like that took my fancy, so I chose my favourite French word from school: Oiseau Oiseau is also French for "bird" which is where the "Avicularia" part of the spider's latin name comes from
So here is Oiseau in his new home:
Photographing them at this tiny stage is nigh-on impossible to be honest.
Oiseau has already munched the tiny cricket I gave him - hopefully he'll start looking like a real tarantula in a few months