So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by great advice
some very nice spiders mate, i havent had chance to read the whole thread but how many do you have in total and how many different species?

69 at the last count, 25 different species. :)
Originally posted by great advice
good god :eek: which is your fave? got any venomous ones?
All theraphosids are "venomous" but none are considered "medically significant". Some of the African and Asian species can deliver a painful bite that could make you somewhat unwell.

My favourite?


My adult female Haplopelma schmidti. :)
Originally posted by Lopéz
All theraphosids are "venomous" but none are considered "medically significant". Some of the African and Asian species can deliver a painful bite that could make you somewhat unwell.

My favourite?

My adult female Haplopelma schmidti. :)

She is gorgeous without a doubt. Finding it hard to add any to my collection at the moment as the few about for sale arn't sp I'm that interested in :(
Not posted for a while...

just a quick update one of my cobalt blue's has moulted today wow shes starting to take on more adult colour :)

A few days ago....


Tonight (25/11/2003)....

Originally posted by Repo
She is gorgeous without a doubt. Finding it hard to add any to my collection at the moment as the few about for sale arn't sp I'm that interested in :(
What are you after, anything in particular?

Bear in mind things quieten down this time of year, many dealers won't send out stock over Christmas due to the cold weather.
Originally posted by Repo
She is gorgeous without a doubt. Finding it hard to add any to my collection at the moment as the few about for sale arn't sp I'm that interested in :(

i'm having no problems with coming up t's on my wanted list :D

B. klassi, B.ruhnaui, Megaphobema robustum, oh...and a P.metallica not that i'd buy one at the moment even if it was availible though. ( i need the money for christmas :D )
I get back from a weekend away to find a bit of E.cyanognathus moultage :cool:



What a cracking looking tarantula.
Wow Lopéz that’s an amazing looking T I'm I right in thinking it’s a blue fang?

On another note... I'm after some good photos of the following T's it’s for a friend of a friends Uni work as she’s doing a website on Tarantulas. Unfortunately she does not own a digital camera & I don’t own adults of the following T's so I can't help her but I'm sure some of you kind people can

Mexican Redknee
Goliath Bird Eater
Indian Ornamental
Venezuelan Blue and Orange (I think she means Green bottle blue)

Any photos are welcome please send them to [email protected] and with the permission to use them on her website (this is an important part of the course work as stealing photos is not allowed)

I'm asking on here because I've seen some quality photo's created by Lopéz, lostkat and a few others :D
Kate can help out with the Poecilotheria pictures, as she has a large female Poecilotheria fasciata (Sri Lankan Ornamental) as well as a reasonably large Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (Green Bottle Blue) - I think Repo or maybe Nexus also have pretty large GBB's.

I don't think anybody here keeps T.blondi - my pet shop owner has got an 8 or 9" specimen (ooh err), I'll ask him if I can photograph it when I go there on Wednesday. Hope that's of some help. I'd offer my pictures of P.metallica, P.miranda, P.subfusca and so on, but they aren't my spiders so I don't want to upset anyone by doing so. :)
Originally posted by St0n3y
Wow Lopéz that’s an amazing looking T I'm I right in thinking it’s a blue fang?

On another note... I'm after some good photos of the following T's it’s for a friend of a friends Uni work as she’s doing a website on Tarantulas. Unfortunately she does not own a digital camera & I don’t own adults of the following T's so I can't help her but I'm sure some of you kind people can

Mexican Redknee
Goliath Bird Eater
Indian Ornamental
Venezuelan Blue and Orange (I think she means Green bottle blue)

Any photos are welcome please send them to [email protected] and with the permission to use them on her website (this is an important part of the course work as stealing photos is not allowed)

I'm asking on here because I've seen some quality photo's created by Lopéz, lostkat and a few others :D

I have some pics of my ornamental, but 1) she's not an Indian ornamental, and 2) they aren't fantastic photographs. I would get her out and take some proper nice ones for you, but she may be gravid, so I don't want to move her.

I do however have some photos of a male P. regalis (Indian Ornamental) as well as some spiderlings/juvenilles, and I am expecting an adult female P. regalis within the next few weeks. You are welcome to photos, so I will dig a few out for you.

On another note, I strongly advise that if your mate wants her site to have any validity whatsoever, then she uses the Scientific names, rather than the 'common' names. Common names change from area to area (i.e. mexican red legs, blood legs, red knees etc. and there are about 5 species covered by the term 'indian ornamental'). They have zero scientific validity and it is actually considered pretty poor form to make use of them.

If I'd have used common names in my dissertation, I would have lost a lot of marks. By all means give the common name along with the scientific name, but always always use the scientific name as the main title of the species.

If she needs any help with the correct format of scientific names, I'm happy to help
I haven't posted in this thread for a while now but I thought I'd come in and have a look to see what was going on. My G. rosea moulted last night, it's the first time I've actually seen a moult happen and it was fascinating. I had been expecting to see it for a few weeks due to the lack of appetite. What a shock it was to see Margot moult into a mature male with the bulbs on the pedipalps and the hooks on the front legs. I guess Margot now is Mungo:rolleyes:

Ston3y, you need a photo of an Indian ornamental (Poecilitheria regalis)? I have one, I wouldn't say it is an adult but it is about 4.5" if that's any good to you. Let me know and I'll take a few pictures for you if you still need some:)
i personly hate spiders sooooo much, that thing about
Remove the skin and straighten it out andyou will have a carbon copy of your spider.
i can so say is true as my neighbour came around my house and while i was making a drink he placed the skin in the middle of the floor and nearly crapped my self. Could not bring my self to even touch it ;p

5 stars for information.
My P.Ornata just moulted & I think my A.Avic. is about to :D

Does anyone know where to get decent tanks for arboreals? Aquazoo's are ok on their sides but hide too much :(

And my Tigerrump still hasn't moulted after being in premoult for nearly 2 weeks now. Still this little sod has always taken a long time to shed skins :rolleyes:
Custom Aquaria make wicked glass tanks, with or without ventilation to basically any size you want. Best part is they aren't that pricey either. I don't think they generally post though - and are based Peterborough way.
Can't remember the address and phone number, I'll ask Kate later.
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