So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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I'd really love to get an Indian Ornamental but do have a few questions.

Firstly I know they have a terrible bite and I've read up on what it's done to people. What are the best ways to counter a bite from one if these?

Secondly, the obvious counter is not getting bit in the first place but how aggressive are these spiders?

Finally, as these are arboreal spiders a take it they are quick. Just how quick are they?


Re: Advice

Originally posted by azrael357
I'd really love to get an Indian Ornamental but do have a few questions.

Firstly I know they have a terrible bite and I've read up on what it's done to people. What are the best ways to counter a bite from one if these?

Secondly, the obvious counter is not getting bit in the first place but how aggressive are these spiders?

Finally, as these are arboreal spiders a take it they are quick. Just how quick are they?


First off, once you've been bitten, you can't really do much except take an antihistamine and go see a doc. I'm afraid that's the only advice I can provide, given that no medical advice is allowed on the forums.

On the bright side though, I have an adult P. fasciata and 3 subadult P. formosas along with a whole range of pokie spiderlings (I also have some adult P. regalis and 5 P. rufilata spiderlings on the way). I've never seen anything resembling aggression from any pokie, not even a threat pose. General consensus is that pokies are nervous, rather than aggressive. i.e. They'd rather run away, but if you make them feel threatened enough, they can and will bite. Leon and I know a bloke who has probably about 100 pokies. Whilst we were there, he was getting them out of their tanks, letting them run over his hands, quite happily.

However, there are always exceptions to the rule (i.e. my supposedly 'docile' B. vagans, which is a ball of hell fire). Extreme care should always be executed with potentially dangerous spiders, and I would highly recommend that you never hold it. I've held my P. fasciata, but Leon was there with me, and we're both pretty experienced. She also bolted on 3 occasions, and had I been on my own, I wouldn't have been able to get her off (she was on my back).

Finally, yes they are pretty quick. Not as fast as some of my spiders, such as my Tapinauchenius purpureus, or Leon's P. murinus, but they'll certainly be 10 times faster than anything you've ever kept. There's also the problem that they usually run upwards, instead of to the bottom of their tank. This makes them hard to catch, because they don't stop until they hit the ceiling, and means that it's fairly difficult to transfer them from one tank to another. However, if you have a larger tank to do the put both tanks in, it should be fine. You really just need to have your wits about you really.

Pokies are my absolute favourite Genus, and they are very rewarding spiders to keep. They look stunning, are fascinating to watch and grow like weeds if you feed them enough. They're also supposed to be pretty easy to breed - I will confirm this if/when my possibly gravid P. fasciata drops an eggsack. I'd highly recommend any species of ornamental to a keeper with some experience. Even the most common P. regalis are absolutely gorgeous creatures.

Hope that helps. If you've got any more questions, feel free to ask. Also, let me know how much you're paying for one before you buy, because I may be able to get them cheaper for you.
I can only echo what Kate has already said.

I've handled or dealt with P.metallica, miranda, ornata, fasciata, rufilata, subfusca, regalis and striata.
Not seen an ounce of aggression or defensiveness from any of them - just a tendancy to run away and/or hide. Another nifty trick I found for photographing them - if you put them on a piece of cork bark/tile they very rarely leave it - instead they just run around the bark stopping every now and again, which is how I got this pic:


Poecilotheria are easily spooked - ie if you open the tank and shove your hand in then that's when it's likely to give you a nip - most of the time this seems to be mistaking your hand for a prey item rather than a defensive bite. As long as they have somewhere to run they'll be fine.
Speed wise, the only one I've found to be rocket-ship fast is the baby rufilata. The others are all pretty manageable, you just need to have your wits about you. Don't get me wrong though, they will easily quadruple the pace of almost any terrestrial spiders.

I keep 4 Pokes with more on the way, and I wouldn't get rid of them for the world. :)
Thanks for all the info that's helped me make up my mind.

The local pet shop has a Poecilotheria regalis that they say it's a female but they aren't sure of that. It's about 4" leg span and they're asking for £65. The T looks amazing but a bit overpriced methinks.

How much have you seen them available for?
Originally posted by azrael357
Thanks for all the info that's helped me make up my mind.

The local pet shop has a Poecilotheria regalis that they say it's a female but they aren't sure of that. It's about 4" leg span and they're asking for £65. The T looks amazing but a bit overpriced methinks.

How much have you seen them available for?

Sounds like a con man.

At that size you're looking at £30 max I would have thought.
Originally posted by Repo
Sounds like a con man.

At that size you're looking at £30 max I would have thought.
Actually, for a pet shop, it's not a con at all. In fact it's very reasonable. In my pet shop there's a 3-4" P. regalis on sale for £60 too. For an adult P. regalis (7") you're looking at £110 retail price!!

However, we were at an entemological show yesterday where they had adults for £30, 4" sub asults for £20 and you could have bought a social group of 3 3" P. formosa for your £60. It really pays to look around on the internet, and wait for these insect fairs.
Speaking of the show, here are a few of the things I picked up this weekend:

Firstly, an adult female Poecilotheria regalis for myself:


And one for my Dad as well, which caused a bit of a moment when it started heading for my groin


The two regalis together - mine is the one at the bottom


Also grabbed this Pterinochilus murinus - collected from the extreme North of the range of P.murinus, this is a different colour variant to the two normally seen in the hobby.


And in more "traditional" pose:

Well that's confirmed it. The Regalis is my fave spider.

The picture of teh two together is ace. The T at the bottom of that pic is in an amazing pose.
Originally posted by DirtyMinx
Wow, those Regalis ones are gorgeous. Your collection must be huge now Lopez.:eek:
You could say that! I'm planning to bring in more H.schmidti (the big gold and black ones) after Christmas, they goddamn rock.

Azrael, will talk to a friend and see what I can do.

The best thing about Poecilotheria is the ventral view:

Wow, they all look amazing. Terrifying!! but still amazing. :D

But.... Have you had any escape? If so, ever get one crawling into your bed at night or worse wake up in the morning with one on your face? :D

I'm sorry, i'm suprised none of these are considered very dangerous. The colourings would make you think otherwise.
Originally posted by Mullen

But.... Have you had any escape? If so, ever get one crawling into your bed at night or worse wake up in the morning with one on your face? :D


That one :eek:
I underestimated her strength, and she pushed the lid off the tank at night.
Found her in the curtains the next day, thank christ.... :D
It's amazed me how strong certain species are too. Still tempted with a Poecilotheria, its been on my list for a while now!
This one's for Master Skooter....

Your favourite! Mugabe moulted last week and has turned out to be a big and beautiful female. Managed to catch most of the moulting process on camera:






When she's started taking food again, there's a male on the way for her. So hopefully we'll have baby Usambara's next year!

If you still want a cast skin , just let me know.
Originally posted by Lopéz
This one's for Master Skooter....


If you still want a cast skin , just let me know.


Come & give Uncle Skootie a kiss...


This is the first time i've been back to this thread for a few months, and i take my hat off to you Leon & Kate for a fantastic thread. Well done, it's a great read.

When i get a few hours (!), i'll go back & read the new pages since my last visit....probably be about 30!!!! *lol*

I'd love one of Mugabe's skins, thanks for remembering! Maybe by actually seeing one & maybe holding it, may help to ease my GF's fear of them, therefore allowing my to get one! But tbh, it probably wont *lol* :rolleyes:

I'll email you my details, cheers matey.

Skin's in pretty good nick at the moment, and a fair size too:


Will pack it as carefully as possible and get it sent of after the festive period :D
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