Soccer sickies

I can't imagine working in a job that did not offer the flexibility or expectation that the majority of staff will want to watch England football team in any major tournament. To expect otherwise is deluded. Obviously there are certain jobs where it is not possible if you are on a shift but still...

On the subject of obvious sickies linked with an event, the worst is when someone asks for time off, it gets denied, and then they take the same day off sick anyway. I mean come on.
On the subject of obvious sickies linked with an event, the worst is when someone asks for time off, it gets denied, and then they take the same day off sick anyway. I mean come on.

If you know you want a certain day off for something and you know there is a likelyhood of a holiday request being declined e.g busy period, too many already on holiday, etc then just keep quiet and put the sick day in.
Hmm, my apologies, i may have misinterpreted your post as being in support of using sick days as pseudo-holidays.
I think we have gone full circle:

If you know you want a certain day off for something and you know there is a likelyhood of a holiday request being declined e.g busy period, too many already on holiday, etc then just keep quiet and put the sick day in.
If someone wants to take a sickie, for whatever reason, let them. We work to live not live to work. Can't stand folk who parrot on about never taking a sick day in 20 years and so on. Whoopie do for you.
Your job clearly isn't worth anything to you and would be better filled by someone else. Pick up your P45 on your way out.
I think we have gone full circle:

In that case referr to my original reply.

Taking a sick day because your sick is fine, and i dont think not taking them for x years is anything more than an "look at me i'm healthy" brag. However taking a sick day because you just fancy a day off is not on.

It ruins sick days for everyone else who has to waste the doctors time writing a sick note when theres sweet fa can be done about the cold than wait it out.
depends where you work. Government jobs are full sick pay for long periods so they are off whenever they feel like it.

there are about 15 people on sick at my dads council depot.

But then i used to work where there was minimum sick pay and they came into work even with a very bad flu
Depends if you like the job or not i guess
Unless you work at the Playboy mansion then you're a werido

Sounds like you need a new job!

Not sure why you'd pull a sickie just to watch a football match on TV, obviously if you're actually going to the match then it's different, but can't you just record it and watch it when you get home? :confused:
We get 6 months a year full sick pay, thought i would never use it as only had the odd day sick due to injury. But christ I was so great full for it this year! Covid wiped me out for a full month and then 2 months part time before i could work a normal full day and the sick pay saved my bum (mrs also was off and she gets no sick pay)

people do take the wee tho, Havent noticed any football sickies but you tend to get it when a real nasty job comes up the guy goes sick the day before.
If someone wants to take a sickie, for whatever reason, let them. We work to live not live to work.
Nope, this is the UK. We very much live to work, just like the Yanks.

I'm not sure how we've got to this point, but the elites in this country have conditioned the plebs to feel that their servitude is somehow a badge of honour. And to honestly believe that if they bootlick hard enough, they can rise to the top.

Hence the country is filled with working-class Tories these days... Being a "free spirit" is very much looked down upon these days, whilst being a worker drone is celebrated.
Going back to some football tournament between 1996 and 2000 (I can't remember which one it was), at the time, I was working at the head office of Britvic in Chelmsford and some England matches were scheduled during working hours. We set up the big meeting room with a screen and anyone who wanted to watch the match was encouraged to go there to do so.

The matched are on a screen (muted) in the main hall in my workplace, so staff and customers can watch them (the business has the relevant license for that). As long as staff on duty don't blatantly skive off work completely to watch the match, management are fine with it. Staff carrying a phone on duty (not usually allowed) to watch the match on it is overlooked on the same basis. Bit of give and take goes a long way.

If someone wants to take a sickie, for whatever reason, let them. We work to live not live to work. Can't stand folk who parrot on about never taking a sick day in 20 years and so on. Whoopie do for you.

I take a sick day if I'm sick and only if I'm sick. Because I'm not a liar who's into committing fraud. That doesn't seem like a high bar of honesty to clear. Not to me, anyway.

I'm on old contract because I started working there a long time ago. I could take a year off sick. On full pay. I don't, because see above.
I cannot imagine caring that other people are pulling a sick day at work when they're not sick, unless it's your company they work for or you have to cover their sickness then why would you give a ****.

I took a few days off earlier in the year after I got a bad cold but I hardly ever have time off, mainly because I don't hate my job.
I take a sick day if I'm sick and only if I'm sick. Because I'm not a liar who's into committing fraud. That doesn't seem like a high bar of honesty to clear. Not to me, anyway.

I'm on old contract because I started working there a long time ago. I could take a year off sick. On full pay. I don't, because see above.
On the one hand that's commendable.

On the other hand, the people at the top often have far less scruples. Avoiding tax using off-shore accounts, clever accounting, share options, etc. Things that plain aren't available to the little guy. Having everything written off as a tax-deductable expense, including their 2nd home, luxury car and holidays. Donating to the Tory party to get some nice government contract or support for a favourable bill or two.

So I hold both views at the same time. One that it's good to be honest. Two that being honest is mostly for the plebs, and is mostly only valued by the plebs*. The CEOs and their ilk are only as honest as they are forced to be.

(*Of course the CEOs want their workers to be honest, they just don't necessarily hold themselves t to those same standards :p)
Take a sickie, why not?

My dad was a workaholic, never missed a day even used to do three straight shifts when he was working at the coking plant.
Anyway ended up working at royal mail after the miners strike 30 odd years I think he did with out a day off, then he had time off because his knee ( work related but didn't want to make a fuss as he was a company man etc) needed an operation asap but his holiday days were all gone, anyway, had time off two months ish I think and received a final written warning for attendance!

You don't get medals from your employer or thought of any better, especially the larger companies, so why not, you only live once.

Also if you don't like your job/boss etc then go for it.
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