Social club hacked, Change passwords

Hi all, Since I started this thread am about to end it, At least my part. I got a email today at 6:30am asking this :

Thank you for contacting Rockstar Support!

We can help with this but just need to verify that you are the owner of the email address you are using to submit this request. Please confirm that you are the owner of this email address by clicking “reply” from your email program and letting us know that you own this email address.

I did this and a few hours later I got this:

Thank you for contacting Rockstar Support.

After reviewing your account history, we have changed the information on your Social Club account as requested. The password has been locked and directions have been sent to you via a separate email with directions for setting a new password. You can also request a password change here: http://******. When choosing a new password, as a good practice please be sure to use a different password from the ones you use anywhere else.

If there are any further questions or concerns about your account, please let us know and we are happy to help.

And finally this :

Rockstar Games Social Club 4/23/2015 7:16:54 AM

Update Password

Your Social Club account password has been reset to protect the security of your account. You need to select a more secure password to continue accessing this account.

All in all, I waited 4 days and I now have my account back with the best damn password ever, Ever I don't know it so yea. Try hacking that you goldfish.

Just happy to have it back and I hope they get to the others here as soon as possible, It sucks waiting and I fear that am going to log into my account to find everything sold and gone RIP.

That's brilliant. Hopefully I'll hear back soon regarding my account. It's almost been a week.
Brilliant news Techen, I have been changing my password daily since you mentioned this.

Touch wood I am still in the clear!
my ticket was 3644808 so hopefully if its close to that it will. as soon as i verified my email they gave it me back, had to delete all the things that were changed though
I'm still waiting, really hope its today or tomorrow at latest. I was loving the game too, had it running sweet in high settings on my new PC that I built for christmas and only got about 2 days worth of gaming on it before it got taken away from me!! ripped from my arms!!! lol

EDIT: I think it sucks as well that you have to login to play single player. I dont even play multiplayer and I just want to continue doing the missions in single player and I have this amazing 65gb game installed on my hard drive which which me 2 hours and 20 minutes to install and I cant even play it! lol, I guess all you can do is laugh! :P
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I havn't been in the social club for a while, started up one of my games that use it last night and my account was there with no problem
I got my account back yesterday, everything seemed to be as I left it apart from the language had been changed, just in my profile, when I loaded the game it was still in English.
Still not heard anything since I rang Wednesday and got escalated to tier 2. Hopefully I'll have my account back soon.
Btw, just in case you guys havent seen this, I didnt just find this now, I found this a few days ago but not heard anyone mention it on here. Rockstar announced something on their website, I think they posted it over a week ago, this is what it said:

Effect of Heartbleed Security Issue on Rockstar Social Club Members

Rockstar Games
You may have heard of a recent Internet security vulnerability called Heartbleed which affects the basic encryption used by many websites across the Internet. This vulnerability was found to exist on certain Rockstar Games Social Club pages, and has been fixed.

While we have no reason to believe any Social Club account information was compromised, the security of our players accounts is of paramount importance to us, and so we are advising all Social Club members to change their passwords as a precautionary measure (or in case you use the same login information on other sites that may have been compromised) if your password has not been changed since 4/17/14. Click here to change your Social Club password now:

When picking a new password we suggest you make it complex (using combinations of letters, symbols and numbers), and we recommend that you do not share passwords across multiple sites.

And here's the link to the page:

So maybe this is what happened to people like me that got their accounts stolen?

Also update 2:

We are aware that unauthorized attempts have been made to access Rockstar Games Social Club accounts using email and password combinations sourced from unaffiliated, compromised websites or databases elsewhere on the internet. For the accounts affected, we are in the process of reverting those accounts back to their original owners. As a result, the ability to change email addresses for Social Club accounts has been temporarily disabled. See the following Rockstar Support article for more information here. As a reminder, it is a good policy to ensure that the Rockstar Games Social Club account username and password is not shared across multiple websites on the internet. For accounts affected with this issue, we are working to respond to customers to reinstate full user access within 24 hours of contacting Customer Support. Please continue to look to the Rockstar Support website for more information as it develops.
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@SkScotchegg - yeah I think they lost a load of data via Heartbleed and this is the opportunities hackers have used to exploit it - should have really sent an email tell all account holders to change details as a precaution.
I've still not heard anything from rockstar dispite emailing them 4 times since Thursday. I was hoping to have my account back for the weekend
yes, then I was emailed 15 mins later. mind I did pretty much bombard them but it worked so all's well.

just keep emailing them and tweeting. they must have got sick of me lmao
My password & nickname was changed but not my email address. Luckily I was able to reset the password but need my nickname changing back now!
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