Social club hacked, Change passwords

I rang rockstar last night on the freephone number and got my ticket escalated to tier 2 what ever that means. I still reckon I'll be waiting a while before getting my account back.
Gald I've helped a few people out. I think am going to look into one of these password managers now. Not sure what one to pick but I'll shop around. Still no reply and whats worse is I got my new screen to play GTA 5 with. Well.... cant play it now :(


BF4 is epic on the swift if you are stuck for something to show it off.

It's pretty bad so many accounts have been owned I suspect there's some customer helpline shenanigans going on if people are getting their account moved from their registered email without their email being compromised.
I think this all has a bad smell about it. I am one of the affected by the hijacking of accounts. My password is unique and as strong as I could make it; given that rockstar don't allow special characters in the password. I think that they should seriously consider a better security system that incorporates 2 factor auth.

What however is worse than the hacking itself is the way Rockstar are dealing with it. So far I had a ticket raised for a day with nothing more than a generic auto reply email. I phoned and the guy who I spoke to could barely understand the issue and when he went away for 5 mins he then was able to send me an email with the details required. He then said "another department" would be dealing with it and not to phone the tech support as they won't be able to help.

Feels great buying a £40 game these days ...
lol at least buying it on steam even if they get my account they can't play gta5 anyway.

unless the download from the rockstar website still works as standalone :S
So rockstar has responded to hacking claims. Seems it wasnt hacked but people have been hacked at other sites so their logins have been tried on other things like games and have logged in as in ppl never changed their password and use it at more than one place. They said just change your password and they will reinstate lost accounts on a per customer basis or somit.

Dont think it was posted above, if it was sorry i didnt see it.
That was posted yes and I can 100% bet, That I never used my rockstar password on anything else. Considering I made my rockstar account a very long time ago. Honestly I don't get it whatsoever.
I rang rockstar last night on the freephone number and got my ticket escalated to tier 2 what ever that means. I still reckon I'll be waiting a while before getting my account back.

What number did you call? I wish to do this, The UK rockstar number does not work.
+Rep to you good sir, Am now slowly changing all my passwords to KeePass. It's pretty easy to use and I do love how insane the passwords are. And if I ever forget them, All stored in a little lock box program with a master password. Thank you!

Good to hear. Don't forget to backup the database.
So rockstar has responded to hacking claims. Seems it wasnt hacked but people have been hacked at other sites so their logins have been tried on other things like games and have logged in as in ppl never changed their password and use it at more than one place. They said just change your password and they will reinstate lost accounts on a per customer basis or somit.

Dont think it was posted above, if it was sorry i didnt see it.

Wouldn't surprise me but they would probably say that anyway
What they are saying is obviously not true, I use different passwords for everything so it can't have been a password for something else that they happened to try on social club.
Given Rockstar's customer service are trying their best not to just return accounts to people who phone in, and that many people are claiming they used a unique password and have not had their email account compromised, it makes me suspect even more that the actual breach was customer services in the first place.

Maybe these accounts have been handed over by CS to people who phoned up with very little supporting authentication. Realising their mistake they are now trying desperately to work out who the real owner of an account is rather than just playing ping pong with the accounts. Social engineering is a common trick these days.

Edit: Put another way. Suppose some sites (unrelated to Rockstar) have been breached and fraudsters have a User name, a real name, a DOB and an address for a victim, how easily do you think customer services could be persuaded to hand over an account (With the excuse that the email address is no longer valid.)
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Just wanting to give you guys an update on whats happening with my account.

I emailed Rockstar support last night and got an auto response with a ticket reference number. They then emailed me back just an hour later which I was surprised about as that was very quick.

They then asked me for some details which I provided via email. I didnt recieve an email back since last night so decided I would try and phone them to see if I could speed up the process.

I phoned them earlier today whilst at work on this number 0843 504 1118 and managed to get through to someone straight away.

I explained what happened and he was really helpful and seemed like he knew what he was doing and was willing to help.

He sent me an email asking for further information whilst I was on the phone and I replied to his email with the information he asked for.

The call ended and then an hour later I have received another email from the same person I was speaking to on the phone and he has said he will escalate it too another department which is going to restore my account.

He did say it can take upto a week and that they've had a lot of request so that I will be put into a queue and that they would appreciate my patience on this matter.

So, I guess that's that then, I just need to wait now and hope for the best. I think they've done everything they can do but I think their security has been bad. I wish they had security like Origin and Steam and made it so you get a text message with a unique code every time you login. And the original email address attached to the account shouldn't be allowed to be changed. But I can't fault the customer service as for my case its been quite good.
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And the original email address attached the account shouldn't be allowed to be changed.

I'm not sure about this, if your email provider goes bust and you can't change email addresses on accounts you are stuffed. They should make it harder to change email address though.

I changed my rockstar password 2 days ago. A browser on one of my devices still has a cookie which allows me to log in even though that session is using the wrong password. And once logged in guess what? I can change my email and password. *facepalm*
i got an email saying

The email address for your account Tom-Watson has been updated. You will no longer receive email for this account at my email. Email will now be sent to [email protected] instead.

strange thing was i was able to create a new account using the same email address, so it looks like my email no longer exist on rockstars database until i made a new one again today.
i can click on his account, hes been a member since 2008
I created another account (using another email address, to keep my main email address free for when they return my account) so I could check the status of my ticket, only to find it didn't exist anymore, must have been deleted by whoever is using my account, so I opened a new ticket with my new account, so this can't be deleted.

I received a reply a few minutes later asking for all the details, most of which were in the original message, they asked the DoB I used for the account, I'm hoping I used my real DoB, sometimes I just spin the year back to around the right place and click next!
I've just noticed this statement on rockstar social club site. It wasn't there yesterday as far as I know.

Says they're hoping to restore accounts within 24hrs of reporting it being lost. Also I see they have stopped all users changing their email address for social club for the time being. Hopefully a fix will be soon and we can have our accounts back.
I've just noticed this statement on rockstar social club site. It wasn't there yesterday as far as I know.

Says they're hoping to restore accounts within 24hrs of reporting it being lost. Also I see they have stopped all users changing their email address for social club for the time being. Hopefully a fix will be soon and we can have our accounts back.

Great find! A shame they have not emailed all those affected to tell them this. But hey...

Now given a lot of people have been waiting more than 24 hours I still think we might be waiting a while for this to take place - but here's hoping it will be sorted by the weekend!
Changed mine on launch day as I suspected some bs was going on when I was telling everyone on ts that I was being logged off as my account was open somewhere else.
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