Solar panel production figures

Pretty interesting first day for Flux!

No one was home so just idle usage, generated 31.9kWh, exported 37.36kWh (dumped some from the packs during peak), imported 2.79kWh.

Looking at Home assistant the net value of the export today was £10.02

Tomorrow looks pap though. Will do a little arbitrage with charging the packs tonight and dumping during peak.
36.92kWh for us today, my afternoon resembled the above.

16 from the grid, and 31 exported, 8.1 of that at peak rate, so £8.29 for exports, less £3.28 = £5.01 gain.

Next two days here don't look good, but after that, can it really be, or will it all change???

23.1kWh with clear sky hitting around 20 past 4 this afternoon. Sun set just now, west panels loving the longer evening blasts.
29.1 generated and 14 exported, was testing the givenergy stuff to understand what settings I need to set to dump to the grid. Definitely need HA to be able to automate it as it won't do it even wih timed discharge. With the sun out it was exporting at 3.5kWh on it's own without any battery intervention.
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29.1 generated and 14 exported, was testing the givenergy stuff to understand what settings I need to set to dump to the grid. Definitely need HA to be able to automate it as it won't do it even wih timed discharge. With the sun out it was exporting at 3.5kWh on it's own without any battery intervention.

We're not that far apart but got shafted on the sun today, mostly rain/clouds this afternoon. My best generation time is normally early afternoon, had no sun at all really from 13:00 - 15:00 and it was patchy at other times of the day.

14.6 here apparently, not bad, but quite far away from the solcast 30 it predicted! :)

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similar sort of graph really. The hill does make a big difference with the weather surprisingly.

Yes you had some gaps but doesn't look like the same duration, my panels seemed to do very little from 13:00 - 15:30 which is where I expect a lot of my generation to kick in due to S and W strings.

Morning tends to do less for mine, so I'd prefer dull morning, brighter afternoon. If it does the other way around it hurts production a lot.
15.3kWh generated with 4.3kWh exported.

It was a pretty poor day so I was surprised we even hit this much.
29.1 generated and 14 exported, was testing the givenergy stuff to understand what settings I need to set to dump to the grid. Definitely need HA to be able to automate it as it won't do it even wih timed discharge. With the sun out it was exporting at 3.5kWh on it's own without any battery intervention.

What’s the inverter size and how much can it supply from battery alone?

I was wondering how mine would work given that I’m still generating some solar at that time (and solar + battery would exceed the max inverter rating) - I set the discharge to 100A (about 5kw) and saw that basically it would use solar first, then top up to the 5kw from battery.

So at one point the solar was still generating 5.4kw for example, the battery wasn’t joining in. Only when the solar dipped below the 5kw threshold did the battery start topping up the export.
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What’s the inverter size and how much can it supply from battery alone?

I was wondering how mine would work given that I’m still generating some solar at that time (and solar + battery would exceed the max inverter rating) - I set the discharge to 100A (about 5kw) and saw that basically it would use solar first, then top up to the 5kw from battery.

So at one point the solar was still generating 5.4kw for example, the battery wasn’t joining in. Only when the solar dipped below the 5kw threshold did the battery start topping up the export.
Givenergy gen1 so only 2.6
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