@john_smith have you moved? your solar on pvoutput is showing LU7 now, sure it was nearer my neck of the woods before.
The big advantage of batteries is the ability to go onto a cheap tariff, such as go, and buy in cheap units which you can use during the day.
So on go you get 4 hours low cost, which you can time dishwasher into as well, and use your cheap rate to charge the batteries.
The other advantage is smoothing, so as your demand and solar output go up and down they smooth that out. So your not for example exporting for 5 minutes then importing because the sun has gone in.
Flux has mixed it up a bit, but in winter your going to want a lot of battery storage or a massive solar array to make it work.
As ever all the ratios between usage, cheap rates, what you can load shift, actual tariffs and prices etc all mean you need to look at your usage. There is no "single best" for solar.
When I played with paybacks I got around 5-6 years for simple solar, or simple batteries. Combined they push they return out longer but they add a lot of flexibility and they are complimentary in effect.
They do not cross into the others payback that much, but they do a bit.
Solar will mainly payback in summer (March-Sept really). Batteries will mainly payback in winter (Sept-Marchthe above in use, solar/battery and the right tariff.
GE site reckons my import/export for the month is fairly neutral still, but this won't cover any of the SC or gas usage.
Couple of decent weeks would be good before we close out the summer weather more or less.
Same, about 15 short on input but the export during peak hours has made up for that.
two browsers including mobile browser and the app, on the phone with them (have woken up a little, enough time to deal with phone conversation) and they have had others call in about it.have you changed browser? it wont explain the app issue (mine is working fine on app and chrome).
i have seen that error before however when i was signing in on the Brave browser (if i had to guess it is blocking certain cookies or popups or something)
Curse that ron [insert homer shaking fist gif here]2.7 so far, once again @Ron-ski stealing all of the sun in his Kentish weather system that seems to defy all logic D:
how do you get that view? Never seen that before in the givenergy portal.To give an idea, this is current delta on import vs export costs, this thing is usually pretty accurate even though it says estimated.
Yesterdays data hasn't filtered in yet but was fairly good, so may actually just edge ahead, where today looks fairly meh and may edge behind again. Either way the import and export costs for this month are very close.
Couple of good weeks would start to eat into the SC's and gas usage.
how do you get that view? Never seen that before in the givenergy portal.
1.5kwh so far today, not looking like it'll be very fruitful at all up here in north