Solar panel production figures

21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
15.7 here today in the end…..rain forecast for tmrw. So 60 short of target and still short of aprils figure too by 13kwhs

17.3 here, whilst some of the days have been better than the drab weeks - its disappointing knowing we are now in autumn missing out on the potential.

I don't think I will hit 500 for the month, so that means only slightly better than April with May and June being the best months.
16 Jul 2004
We are at 680 approaching the end of first full calendar month so unlikely to break 700.

From 14th to end of July was 412.
I've seen forecast says sunshine next week. We shall see.
4 Jul 2006
Yesterday wasn't too bad for me

Imported - 7.6
Generated - 16.3
Exported - 9.8 (only .2 during peak :( )

today is bloody miserable, 5.1 generated so far with 1.8 exported. Currently just breaking even on house load to pv generation but only because im only one in lol

So far this month including today 499.7 Generation on a 3,825 system with 3.6kw inverter (Solax website yield is 535.50kw for month so not that much loss after passing through inverters)


Been a rollercoaster month, id be happy just breaking even on import/export throughout winter.
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25 Mar 2004
I'm not sure if this is the best place for this vs other energy related threads, but this boils down to "What a year of solar looks like". Something I wanted to do since I'm essentially at the anniversary of solar install + Octopus switchover.

I've included some actual numbers here, including what I've wound up being billed, and the picture is pretty rosy so far.

Spreadsheet looks OK to me but may not be 100% easy to read, hopefully it makes sense.


My consumption is fairly high as shown, with not much deviation between months, with 6329 kWh recorded across a year, that is an average of 17.33 kWh per day.

Generation at 4538 kWh came in a little higher than initial estimates (4.8kW system but imperfect placement and some shading). Pretty happy with the overall generation as my estimates were more like 4000 for the year.

Electric data is split between Go and Flux, and I've shown where I moved between them and the associated impact of doing so. I probably should still be on Flux a little longer to really maximise these figures.

Going to Flux from late April => late August earnt me £437 despite the challenging latter half of the summer in weather terms, which for 4 months was pretty good I thought (though I'm sure @Ron-ski will laugh at my pathetic figures! :cry:)

I was quite surprised that after all figures were accounted for, I wound up being charged more for Gas than Electric for the year.

These figures do not take into account any other benefits such as:
  • Gov winter fuel payments (think that was a total of £400~?)
  • Octopus Saving Sessions (my total for that was about £100 earnt as I recall)
  • Octopus Referals (£50 a time, have had a few).
I'd be surprised if, on balance, I am not actually negative on this for the year, meaning Sep 2022 - 2023 has likely not cost me anything at all on billing. Ignoring incentives, £700 is still extremely competitive.

If I had paid for the 6329 kWh of electric I used at £0.30 that is £1898. With the gas at £421 that would be a grand total bill of £2319. £2319 - £694 = £1625 saved.

My 4.8kW system with 8.2 kWh battery cost me £8500, so I'm essentially down to a real term cost of £6975 left to go before it's returned the cost to me, not accounting for inflation.

According to Home Assistant I have cycled the battery 473 times, an average of 1.3 times per day.
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3 Dec 2012
Kent, much sunnier than Scotland
19.3 kWh for the day, better than I thought it would be.

That brings the months total to 1078 kWh generated, which is 34.78 per day. Overall just 11 kWh better than July
Export was 971kWh for the month.

Now a I know it lot of you think this has been a bad August, but it hasn't really.

SolarEdge yearly August figures

2016 579 kWh
2017 479 kWh
2018 470 kWh
2019 537 kWh
2020 489 kWh
2021 467 kWh
2022 574 kWh
2023 535 kWh

So out of the last 8 August's, there were 4 worst than this one, it was actually above average, with average being 516 kWh

So far this year I've generated 6649 kWh
3 Sep 2014
East Yorkshire
Looks like we were lucky today. 20.2kWh generated and 12.5kWh exported.

Total for the month was 537kWh generated vs a target of 532kWh. We exported 205kWh. I imagine the sunshine hours figures will show a strong SE/NW split. Here too it wasn't too bad.

Flux on our first full month on it paid off nicely with a electricity bill of -£15 which just about covered the gas too. Total combined bill for the month is 61 pence! :cool:
7 Sep 2020
Gods Country
So for me its 320kwhs for the month against a target of 373kwhs………

Generated 320kwhs
Exported 225kwhs

so thats 70% of generation exported to the grid. Wont get the cabling done this week for the extra panels, but hopefully over the next week or so i can get them done. Everything is here now to get them fitted. So even more export on the cards.
25 Nov 2004
Manchester Uk
648 kWh against an estimate of 626 kWh. Exported 529 kWh. Reduced consumption compared to normal due to being out of the country for a period.
So acceptable month for solar, but god I could have done with it raining less.
4 Jul 2006
So for me its 320kwhs for the month against a target of 373kwhs………

Generated 320kwhs
Exported 225kwhs

so thats 70% of generation exported to the grid. Wont get the cabling done this week for the extra panels, but hopefully over the next week or so i can get them done. Everything is here now to get them fitted. So even more export on the cards.
Man I really need to get something sorted for back garden lol
4 Jul 2006
I think August has been OK in the end, July seemed worse than usual though.
Not for me, stupid clouds lol



If I done my sheet right following should be average cost (not exact due to GE portal only showing 1 decimal point) and im not 100% on what numbers octopus are going from, if its from the 12th then my bill should be ~£10

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