Solar panel production figures

20.9, was a really weird day, crappy til afternoon for a couple of hours then got weird again, cloudy in morning.

Really wish I had some money to sort back garden out to put up another 5 panels so I don't miss out on nearly 3 hours of summer sun my south panels dont get.
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How many will that be? You must be getting close to the inverter maximum.
That'll be a total of 48 panels. Yes, for me that would be the maximum in relation to voltages( to give a buffer for cold weather), series and space.

The inverters each can cope with up to 8.3 kW if there is capacity in the batteries and exporting/use at full pelt.

The inverters can support 7.5 kW per string so I theory up to 30 kW PV with my two. However, maxing out like this would be difficult without rewiring series/parallel etc as I'm in series only.

I should end up with around 19.35 kW PV.
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I'm laughing. What an amazing jinx, a perfect day upto 15:50...when I posted. The next two uploads of data, massive dip in generation.
The solar forecast did have a big drop off late afternoon, and the small clouds had been around for a while, some dark clouds forming now - it is forecast to rain tomorrow, and next week is not looking as good anymore.
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Just looking back through the solis app, yesterday and today just tipped 31 kWh per day.

Only just beating 30th April, which we did 30.7kwh.

I personally think that's crazy, basically 7 weeks, and considering yesterday was tb longest day of the year, to only just beat a day in ....April !!!

Looking back May was horrendous.

It's almost been completely clear here last 2 days, like 80+% but still haven't had a completely clear day since that day in April.
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