30.10Kwh today on the house plus a tank of hot water and we exported 15.30Kwh I just had my first payment from the SEG of just over £150 for a wee tiny bit over one megawatt.
12Kwh made on the workshop and exported 7Kwh of that as well today
I'm starting to look to the winter and a cheap over night charge tariff but would like to stick to with the Gas board for the power anyone hear on one of there cheep overnight tariffs ie EV car or economy 7 tariffs as the solar numbers come the dark months just wont do the job and looking at the numbers i will be around the 250Kwh short a month of what's needed for for the 4 dark months and them months last year cost me £500 in Electric with no solar
House System is East West
down in not so sunny Devon.
East 8 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
West 10 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
Givenergy Gen3 5kwh hybrid
2 x 9.5 battery's
Workshop system is South/East
2440w of panels two 720w strings
one 1000w string
Hybrid inverter with 4x 12v 100Amp
Plus grid tie inverter as well
12Kwh made on the workshop and exported 7Kwh of that as well today
I'm starting to look to the winter and a cheap over night charge tariff but would like to stick to with the Gas board for the power anyone hear on one of there cheep overnight tariffs ie EV car or economy 7 tariffs as the solar numbers come the dark months just wont do the job and looking at the numbers i will be around the 250Kwh short a month of what's needed for for the 4 dark months and them months last year cost me £500 in Electric with no solar
House System is East West
down in not so sunny Devon.
East 8 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
West 10 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
Givenergy Gen3 5kwh hybrid
2 x 9.5 battery's
Workshop system is South/East
2440w of panels two 720w strings
one 1000w string
Hybrid inverter with 4x 12v 100Amp
Plus grid tie inverter as well