Solar panel production figures

Nearly 8kWh so far and churning out nearly 3kW at the moment, so hopefully will be better than yesterday! Have actually managed to get the battery fully recharged today, so thats an improvement!
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what you got switched on to get 14kw from the grid???

I can do it if I'm charging the batteries (6kW) at the same time as charging the car (7.x kW) with my base load + AC. Sadly the car isn't here so I am only pulling 6.9kW at the moment: 6 into the batteries, 2kW running the house with the delta coming from the PV generation. It is a very cloudy day else I'd be pulling 0!
Another reasonable day, would have broke 40 if I hadn't turned off the solare for 15 minutes during the free leccy period to test something.

Anyway, we made 39.75 and exported 20.35.

I'm on track for this to be the worst day ever. :'(

I can assure you, that you have a lot more worse days to come, winters on its way.

Rain, heavy rain in the morning, didn't shift till near 2pm. Nice now, might get near 15 if it stays clear.

You know, how the day before yesterday I said it was forecast to rain all day tomorrow, well, it seems the rain is coming through the night now, and then from about 9 onwards it starts clearing.
Another reasonable day, would have broke 40 if I hadn't turned off the solare for 15 minutes during the free leccy period to test something.

Anyway, we made 39.75 and exported 20.35.

I can assure you, that you have a lot more worse days to come, winters on its way.

You know, how the day before yesterday I said it was forecast to rain all day tomorrow, well, it seems the rain is coming through the night now, and then from about 9 onwards it starts clearing.
Cloudless sunny day tmrw, whats the odds it wont happen??
You know, how the day before yesterday I said it was forecast to rain all day tomorrow, well, it seems the rain is coming through the night now, and then from about 9 onwards it starts clearing.

I see your getting the tail end of it about 5am if the mets forecast has any accuracy this afternoon. It usually turns out from your generation figures that it was less rainy than they drew on the pictures.
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