Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

FIT question…

My mates dad has the old FIT tariff. He has a decent sized south facing array.

He has recently bought an EV and I was shocked he is paying £150 a month electric (he’s on his own)

His provider and FIT is Eon.

How easy is it to move him onto Octopus Intelligent? Obviously we still want the old FIT and don’t want to jeopardise that, hence why he is getting spanked with Eon.

Fit supplier and energy supplier can be different.

I’m with e.on for my fit and octopus for my energy supply.
It sounds like basically its the same as the Octopus savings sessions in effect.

I assume during the peak grid times when demand reduction kicks in the givenergy thing will do the same as all the other suppliers and bid for demand reduction.

The peak Octopus one last year was higher than £2.1 although iirc it wasn't much higher. The normal one was iirc £2.25 or so per unit saved.

I wonder how nicely this will play with normal export.
Your specifically not allowed by NG rules to benefit from more than one at at time, for obvious reasons.
It might be more than one "special" event, not 100% sure to be honest, as ever wording is a little vague.

Edit, yes Octopus was £2.25 per kwh saving last winter.
I think the big difference is that this pays that high rate for export, whereas the normal savings sessions only payed you for what you saved and any export was at the normal rate, so unless you were messing about and gaming the system a bit then you wouldn’t get very much if your usage was normally low during the time perio, which it would be as you would normally be running from the battery at that point anyway.
FIT question…

My mates dad has the old FIT tariff. He has a decent sized south facing array.

He has recently bought an EV and I was shocked he is paying £150 a month electric (he’s on his own)

His provider and FIT is Eon.

How easy is it to move him onto Octopus Intelligent? Obviously we still want the old FIT and don’t want to jeopardise that, hence why he is getting spanked with Eon.

The FIT tariff contains two parts.

  1. FIT generation - you get paid a fixed rate for every unit you generate regardless of whether you use it or not.
  2. You get paid for what you export, for most residential system this will be based on 50% of what you generate, but you're not paid much per unit.
When I moved to Octopus I left the FIT generation side with BG, and moved the actual exports and imports to Octopus, as I worked out I'd get paid a lot more for exports on Flux.

So you can move everything to Octopus, and they will pay your dad the generation FIT, or you can leave some of it with EON.

Moving it all to Octopus, won't jeopardise the FIT payments, you just need to decide how to handle the exports side, what's most beneficial.
I think the big difference is that this pays that high rate for export, whereas the normal savings sessions only payed you for what you saved and any export was at the normal rate, so unless you were messing about and gaming the system a bit then you wouldn’t get very much if your usage was normally low during the time perio, which it would be as you would normally be running from the battery at that point anyway.

This year they signed up export meters for saving sessions so something will be different I think.
Ah right, that sounds interesting, so maybe Givback is just going to be the same as the normal saving sessions then if they are going to start including export, will hold off on signing up and see what Octopus saving sessions offer this year.
Same I think, but I'm on flux, not intelligent flux so I'm not sure how that affects things (if at all)

Is it worth moving to intelligent flux?
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how come? Just curious. It seems a lot cheaper on import so even on a ***** day you should end up with the equivalent of a lower bill?

The thing that makes me nervous is someone else controlling my charge/discharge times.
Intelligent flux is equal rates with the lowest import is 27p I thought. Also as you say you lose control of the system.

But you are on agile?
Yes, regular Flux seems good but don't particularly like the idea of losing control of the system on Intelligent Flux so that puts me off (it sounds very much like the old Tesla system), plus you don't get the cheap overnight rate, so regular Flux seems the best bet. I don't have an EV so that rules out a lot of tariffs. I have been keeping an eye on Agile prices, there have been some decent overnight import rates from time to time but export generally quite a way below Flux, might be a better bet over the winter but not really sure I want the hassle of swapping tariffs every 6 months, plus there's always the chance that Agile will shoot back up again, last year I seem to remember the import rates were pretty much at their peak price almost 24/7, though maybe last year was a bit of an anomaly.

In regards to the "Demand Flexibility Service" paying for export this year is there any concrete evidence of that? Searching around and can't find anything, which seems odd as we are already into the period when the scheme is running, though maybe we'll get more info when the first session actually occurs.
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I moved to regular Flux about 3 weeks ago. Its going ok and monitoring our use carefully between peak 4-7pm. Not tried dumping excess during those hours to gain best price. Im trying to persuade my wife to change her car for an EV to benefit from cheaper and longer overnight tariff!
Have answered my own question about export, looking through the Octopus saving sessions FAQs here and I found this:

Can I take part if I have an export tariff?​

Yes, customers who generate and export electricity (via solar panels, for example) with Octopus can take part in Saving Sessions, and we’ll credit you for any extra exporting you do compared to your usual "net" consumption, i.e. your imported energy minus your exported energy

E.g. If there’s an event between 6-7pm and we calculate that you usually export 2kWh during that time and don't import anything, then if you export 5kWh during the Saving Session, we'd credit you for this extra 3kWh that you're giving back to the grid (5kWh - 2kWh).

Your export tariff won't be affected, only additional energy exported during the Session will be paid at the Saving Sessions incentive rate.

So seems it will take export into account this year, but only how much extra you export compared to usual, not everything you export. So may be worth stopping exporting during the likely saving session times, though I was likely going to be doing that anyway as the days get shorter and I have less excess energy to export.
How can you stop export? Use as much energy as possible? Or do you mean minimise export?
I was talking about not deliberately force exporting from the battery to the grid, which I currently do in the evening to get the benefit of the higher export rate for flux. This time of year export from solar is generally pretty much nothing by 4pm anyway which is about the earliest I'd expect a saving session to happen.
I was talking about not deliberately force exporting from the battery to the grid, which I currently do in the evening to get the benefit of the higher export rate for flux. This time of year export from solar is generally pretty much nothing by 4pm anyway which is about the earliest I'd expect a saving session to happen.

Ah I don't force export, I'm not after making money, but reduce how much I spend.
Well the thing is during the peak time I'd prefer to use the batteries to run the house as it's typically when we cook dinner etc... so the money I make from export which is 28p during peak time but import is 39p, so I'd rather use my own electricity during that time that export it.
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