Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

Do the figures look reasonable? Too high maybe?

I'd say the 6kW system is the most accurate based on a 5kW inverter that 6kW of panels will for some part of the day cause a bit clipping in peak summer months. As SE facing but with a good 45 degree angle on the roof pitch, then you'll also benefit from the early light in the lower sun months as well, but as always you can only give a rough estimate as some winters can be very sunny and cold and others very cloudy and wet, averaging 7kWh per day in December would be a good figure if achievable. You might find that the averages for the summer are higher and the ones for winter are lower but overall, 6.8k MWh is achievable.
I could do with some help sanity checking my generation numbers as shown below.

This is based in the south (Hampshire) with a south-east facing roof with an approx. pitch of 45 degrees:


Do the figures look reasonable? Too high maybe?

I’ve got a monthly spreadsheet with over 10 years of data in it.

yes I’m fun at parties.

I’ll share when I get home.
So going with Solar Powerful for mine, just waiting on paperwork to get things going now. Going for 16-18 panels (awaiting final quote whether they can fit the extra 2 on) 5kw inverter, 2x8.2kw batteries, only item that is a bit up in the air is whether these will be the current 2.4kwh inverter type or the soon to be released 4kwh which the supplier isa saying were due in February end of last year but at the moment they've got nothing to say they're due anytime soon. Will find out more when the DNO is approved.

Hi, new to this forum - Are you looking at having two inverters or just one? I'm looking at a similar system, and to take advantage of Octopus Go on two batteries, as well as the same for solar I'm opting for two hybrid inverters to ensure I can have both fully charged in the 4 hour cheap rate window if needed ( winter especially).
I've spoken to the manufacturer and the 8.2kW batteries will be phased out to make way for a 9.5kW version with same 100% DOD
Their higher rated inverter apparently isn't due anytime soon, hence optioning for two inverters, one for each battery
I could do with some help sanity checking my generation numbers as shown below.

This is based in the south (Hampshire) with a south-east facing roof with an approx. pitch of 45 degrees:


Do the figures look reasonable? Too high maybe?

I've got 16x250w panels installed in 2012 into a 3kw inverter.

in 2020 I generated 4620, in 2021 I generated 4390. South facing roof in Hamshire also.
I'm on the south coast, my roofs set back a bit from the other houses, so misses on the early sun.
2018 - 4069
2019 - 3924
2020 - 4022
2021 - 3266! Ouch
Latching on to this relevant thread - I've been thinking of getting solar for a while. We have a decent sized roof, approximately south facing, and we intend to live here for a very long time, so it all makes sense - even more so with recent energy price changes.

We're with Scottish Power, and they have a number you can call to get them to survey and quote for a system.

Would you say that's a worthwhile starting point to get an idea of costs, etc? Or is it sensible to divorce your fitting company from your energy supplier?

EDIT: I'm fairly near to Overclockers - just north in Congleton, if anyone has any specific recommended companies.
So my housing developer has thrown a curve ball at my plans. As the development isn't complete, they wont approve external alterations to the property (covenants in place) so looking purely at a battery system now. I must admit, the ROI with battery and economy7 tariffs (like Go) are much shorter. I'm looking at an ROI of 5-6 years on battery alone, whereas solar was closer to 10-11years.

Is anyone else out there pursuing that path?
When you calculate your ROI, are you only counting the amount less the electricity is costing you in the night? Or are you also taking account of how much more it is costing you during the day?
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