Some T-Shirts are against the law!

30 Jul 2006
A woman who was challenged by police officers for wearing an anti-Boris Johnson T-shirt at a Black Lives Matter demonstration is launching legal action against them over the right to free speech and political debate.
. . .
When she and a friend left the demonstration and were walking to Oxford Circus she saw two police officers gesturing to her. She did not understand what they were trying to communicate and went over to speak to them.

She was asked to zip up her jacket to cover up the slogan and was informed that she was in breach of section 5 of the Public Order Act, which states: “A person is guilty of an offence if he – (a) uses threatening words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening.”

It is not an offence if they “had no reason to believe that there was any person within hearing or sight who was likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress”.

Flynn filmed part of the incident on her phone and when she posted it on YouTube it went viral. The officers, from British Transport Police, told her she was in breach of the law by wearing the T-shirt because it displayed an obscene word that could cause alarm or distress.
The "obscene" word would certainly cause alarm or distress to somebody - but probably not to Boris Johnson who would almost certainly see it as a welcome invitation :p
It looks like you've made the free speech part bold yourself, why? It doesn't appear to be relevant to the story where the police have told someone to cease displaying profanity in public.

I wouldn't expect to be allowed to walk around in public wearing or holding anything that had that kind of language prominently displayed.
Not acceptable especially being the Prime Minister of the Country. Show some respect or be arrested.

The difference is free speech is truth, or a factual opinion.
This is a “hate” toward or a defamation of Boris as a person. They should be charged with hate crimes.

Now reword the slogan to “I don’t support Boris”, or “I didn’t vote for Boris” even “I can’t stand Boris” and there isn’t an issue. But it’s not about the message. That message wouldn’t bring justification to the person wearing it. They want to preach hate. Plus be allow to get away with it.
So when Katie Hopkins preaches hate on the private company twitter it's free speech but a t shirt is too far?

Well let’s analyse.

When did Hopkins wear a T shirt swearing or implying a “hate” to the same level.

What she did on “most” instances is tell the truth of current situation. Then people associate what she has said to “other” meanings etc.

Not really the same as an F U Boris t shirt is it. ?
Is there a source for this interesting piece of journalism?

The Hopkins parts have mainly all been removed when she got banned from twitter. I could have posted otherwise. So can’t I’m afraid.

But I can’t remember her ever using a “ F U comment or branding a T shirt directly to any group”. Maybe f sake at a news story etc.

For context , we have two T shirts.

1.) F U Boris
2.) F U BLM

now to me they are different.

But the BLM one would get more attention, more outrage (left of course).

Yet the worse one for me is the Boris.

With all this unrest and shouts of racism lately surely a T shirt directly F U ing anyone or directly aimed at a race can’t be constructive, is my point really.
Not acceptable especially being the Prime Minister of the Country. Show some respect or be arrested.

The man is an incompetent buffoon who is steadily making this country the laughing stock of the world. Please feel free to go ahead and tell me what exactly he has done to earn respect?

The difference is free speech is truth, or a factual opinion.
This is a “hate” toward or a defamation of Boris as a person. They should be charged with hate crimes.

In what way is it "hate" or defamation (do you even know what that word means? From the way you are using it it doesn't seem so). It's also not threatening...

Yes it uses profanity, which I agree should probably not be displayed so prominently, but that's the only issue with it. Would you be happy if instead it said "Boris is a bloody idiot" or "Screw Boris"?

And "they should be charged with hate crimes?" Jesus wept, get some perspective :rolleyes:
The man is an incompetent buffoon who is steadily making this country the laughing stock of the world. Please feel free to go ahead and tell me what exactly he has done to earn respect?

In what way is it "hate" or defamation (do you even know what that word means? From the way you are using it it doesn't seem so). It's also not threatening...

Yes it uses profanity, which I agree should probably not be displayed so prominently, but that's the only issue with it. Would you be happy if instead it said "Boris is a bloody idiot"?

And "they should be charged with hate crimes?" Jesus wept, get some perspective :rolleyes:

Defensive , defensive

He may well be so. I don’t particularly agree with you but respect your opinion on the matter. However even if those things were totally true, that doesn’t give the right for one to wear a T shirt F U on it. Or give the right to condone such childish behaviour.
Yes if you want to “pick hairs” then yes your other slogan suggestion is fine.

The other fluff you wrote is just that. Pure fluff.
How is a F U Boris T shirt not hate. ? Loooool

Please don’t insult my intelligence. I know it’s a trait of the left but keep them to yourself thank you.
The man is an incompetent buffoon who is steadily making this country the laughing stock of the world. Please feel free to go ahead and tell me what exactly he has done to earn respect? . . .
I think you would need a very large T-Shirt adequately to list Johnson's failings - a marquee would seem essential.

Personally I don't hate Johnson, I just despise the utterly dishonest, arrogant, bumbling buffoon.
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